in #christian-trail6 years ago



Dear Brethren,

Hi! I know most Christians will frown at this topic. Relax, I am not here to cause any trouble or judge anyone, but just want to send a quick message to the children of God.

Four years ago, a well known Pastor in my country preached on this topic and his message went viral within some few hours. It raised a lot of dust from people all over the country especially those from other faith. According to him, masturbation is not a sin so Christians are free to indulge in it.

Well, just like I said earlier, I am not here to agree or disagree with anyone or tell you what to do, but just wanna share something with everyone and my view on it.

What is masturbation? According to Wikipedia;

Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one's genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm.

I, intentionally did not want to give my own definition so that it won't look as if I am the one saying it. We all trust the Wikipedia site right?

Masturbation is when you give yourself "sexual pleasure" by touching your sexual organs to the point of orgasm. Sometimes, in order to achieve this, the use of sex toys come into play. Masturbation and sexual intercourse are the two most common sexual practices that both married and single indulge in the act.

The word masturbation was never mentioned in the bible or hint about the act, but the bible did say something about sexual immortality and the likes. Now, this is the part where most brethren take their stand from, most of us have argued that since the bible is silent about it then, it means masturbation is not a sin

I Corinthains 6:12

flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body; but the sexual immoral person sins against his own body

One of the major beauties of our faith is that God has given us the will to choose from right and wrong and He did not leave us with without having the options to choose from.

God's original purpose of sex was for propagation and He approved sex between two people who are legally married not a solo act which is masturbation. We might have enough reasons for indulging in this act, but whatever reasons given, masturbation from the point of God is an abuse of God's purpose for our bodies and minds. The bibles says our bodies are the temples of the Holy spirit so anything sexual immorality will definitely defile the Holy spirit living in us.

1 Corinthains 6:19

What? Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have of God, and you are not your own?

Let's even look at it from this angle, what goes through your mind before indulging in masturbation? You may probably paint a picture in your head or probably watch pictures/videos of naked women/men. Do not forget that the thought is what brings the sin.

Mark 7:20, 23

And he said, that which came out of the man, that defiles the man
23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man

Proverbs 4:23

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flo2s from it

The ball is now in your court! I am not here to tell yoj want to do as a Christian, but you can carry out more research over the Internet on this topic and then, take your stand on it as a Christian, but just in case, you want take control over your lust.

Here are some of the ways you can overcome it;


1 ACCEPT YOU CAN NOT DO IT ALONE: They say "for you to find a solution to any problem, you must first of all acknowledge there's a problem" So accept the fact, that you need to fix and then, involve the Holy spirit to help you deal with it. Sometimes, we're so powerless when it comes to certain things and in order for us to overcome, we must involve a higher power to come to our rescue & help us. Nobody is perfect as we all walk towards perfection.

2 AVOID ANY SITUATION THAT TEMPTS YOU PERSONALLY: Beware of your emotions and avoid things that can easily get you aroused and remove them. These days there are some websites that when you visit, it pops up some of these ponorography sites, but you can set your browser to block unwanted adverts/pop ups.

3 CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: Try as much as possible to engage your mind with something pure & meaningful. I feel once the mind is busy, it creates less chance for you to think about things you do not want to think about.

4 WATCH YOUR COMPANY: This plays a very vital role in curbing this act. If you mingle with friends that would send you links to some certain ungodly websites, nude pictures, it's wise you watch out and be careful with such friends. Do not associate with people that have the same weakness as you do.

5 USE YOUR LEISURE TIME WISELY: If it's possible make a time table for yourself on the things to do whenever you're free & act on them. I was once in this place so I downloaded some fun games on my phone to make me busy during my leisure time.

6 ENGAGE IN SOME STRENOUS EXERCISE: Study shows exercise lessens the desire to masturbate because it calms your nerves.

7 STUDY THE WORD: Sometimes, guilt makes us feel like we are not worthy to be close to God & serve Him or even associate with other brethren. Do not believe what the devil is telling you about yourself. God is always ready to accept us back no matter how dirty we think we are, if only we would come to Him. You're very precious to God so do not underestimate God's love for you.

Some of you reading this would think, I am a saint. No, I am not a saint!!!!

Thank you for reading and stopping by!!!

God bless you alll!!!


Very inspiring words dear. God bless you sister @ammyluv!

Thank you so much! I appreciate your comment

Very well written article. I will have to research and consider my viewpoint again.

Thank you. I would love to read your viewpoint after your research. You're a great writer

This is nicely written.

have you ever?

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