in #christanity6 years ago

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Zechariah 2:4 (KJV) And said unto him, Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited [as] towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein:

God said this is out month of Increase Without Borders

This month, I will have newness of experiences,Newness of manifestations,Newness of the visitations of God to me
Every word God has sent me this month will be confirmed speedily
I will be swimming in testimonies
This month God will show up for me in grandstyle
This month i will increase and increase
my rising will know no limits
This month every wall containing me will fall down flat
This month every barrier to my rising shall be crushed
This month i will see the hand of God upon my life evidentially
This month, the glory of God shall overshadow me
I Am breaking forth on every side, To the right, To the left, To the front, To the back
I speak all round expansion into my life
My dreams and businesses are expanding
That hitherto small thing in my hands will increase without limits this month
my walk with God will increase
my finances will increase
The favour of God upon my life will increase
my wisdom will increase
i won't be stranded this month
Everyday of this month, i will be shouting like the sons of the prophet, this place is too small for me
Whatever I handle will increase
this year no aspect of my life will remain the same
Total turnarounds everywhere is my experience
there shall be no losses in my camp, it shall be increase all the way
God will do me good this month
All who are incensed against me will be swallowed up this month
Whoever says the word of God will not be confirmed in my life this month will be as dead men
i Receive my liberty, I Receive my wellness, I Receive my increase without borders
i Go forward without barriers
i Make news without hindrances
No containing forces will stop me ever again
This month will favor me, God will satisfy me this month
The power of God will bring a speedy performance of my desires this month
i will run and not be weary
i will walk and not faint
Jesus will deck me with glory and honor
I Am resurrected, No more deadness in any area of my life
I will not be hindered this month
The good plan of God for me this month shall be unveiled and revealed
My lot and portion is testimonies everyday
i decree TPOG is blessed and blessed

TPOG is defended and empowered for greatness
TPOG manifests God everywhere
The tentacles of TPOG are spread across the nations of the earth
There are no border lines hindering the increase of TPOG
TPOG is increased beyond measures

In Jesus name!!!

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