Devotional: What to do when you are saved in Christ

in #christain-trail6 years ago (edited)

When you know you are saved and redeemed, there must be a difference in your life.


The old habit of sin must be destroyed and a new way of kife must be developed. You cant continue in the practice of the old way of life.
#read Colossians 3:8-10.

You must put away the conversation and behaviour of the old man and be renewed. That ye put off concerning the former sonversation the old man, whuch is corrupt accounding to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind ( Ephesians 4:22-23).

What must you do now that you are saved?

  • chriah and study God's word.
    How you feed determines how you grow; feed well and you grow stroNg "As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby"(peter2:2).

  • Share the good news of salvation with others.
    The more you talk to others about salvation, the more God pours his grace on your life. "And straightway he preached chriat in the synagogue, that he is the son of God. But saul(paul) increased the more in strength...." (Act 9:20-22).

  • Celebrate God's work through testimonies.
    Every testimony you share glorifies God, encourage belivers and defeats satan.
    #read Revelation 12:11.

  • Continue to stand for God. Stand firm in you faith against all the threat, persecutions or temptations that might come. Do not let satan use people to make you fall or go back to the world of sin. Stand strong in your obedience to God

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Beloved believers, your salvation is a personal gift from God to you. You must uard it with all seriouness. Read your bible and devotional daily, attend all church services regularly.

God bless you


May the peace of our Lord Jesus be with you all.

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