Recap - Psalm 2 Message

in #christ7 years ago (edited)

Psalm 2:1-12 - A message from our Lord's Imperial Regent.

28th January, 2018, will mark the 7 year anniversary of Lord RayEl's return. As we approach the 7 year mark, and the world continues in its downward spiral, I thought it appropriate to recap on a message relayed by Lord RayEl's Imperial Regent back in 2015. The message is Psalm 2:1-12, it was relayed to our Lord's flock in the International Congregation of Lord RayEl.

Psalm 2:1-12:

What fools the nations are to rage against the Lord! How strange that men should try to outwit God! For a summit conference of the nations has been called to plot against the Lord and his Messiah, Christ the King. “Come, let us break his chains,” they say, “and free ourselves from all this slavery to God.”

But God in heaven merely laughs! He is amused by all their puny plans. And then in fierce fury he rebukes them and fills them with fear.

For the Lord declares, “This is the King of my choice, and I have enthroned him in Jerusalem, my holy city.”

His chosen one replies, “I will reveal the everlasting purposes of God, for the Lord has said to me, ‘You are my Son. This is your Coronation Day. Today I am giving you your glory.’” “Only ask and I will give you all the nations of the world. Rule them with an iron rod; smash them like clay pots!”

O kings and rulers of the earth, listen while there is time. Serve the Lord with reverent fear; rejoice with trembling. Fall down before his Son and kiss his feet before his anger is roused and you perish. I am warning you—his wrath will soon begin. But oh, the joys of those who put their trust in him!

January 28th, 2011 - The world witnessed the Holy Spirit of Lord RayEl descend from Heaven over Jerusalem:


Thanks for sharing, Greg. It is a very intense message, but an important warning to heed.

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