What’s your identity? Mine is Christ

in #christ7 years ago


Psalms 139:14, I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I have been created in the image and likeness of God.
I am unique and have been created to have individuality in HIM , the Bible says, not just me but all of us, all humanity.
God is a gentleman, He gives and He does not take back anything He has given, He gave us free-will and given us a lot of choices to make and we all know those good, great, smart, special, stupid, wrong and foolish choices we made and have experienced the consequences thereof!
The greatest choice one can make in his/her life is to receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour, because He died for them personally and died a sacrificial death on the Cross and demonstrated His unconditional, eternal love towards us.
A free gift of Salvation is offered to everyone and it can be received by a simple act of faith in Christ, this decision makes you right before God forever and you are forever saved from your sinful condition, because Jesus paid it all for you!
As I said, you are made right before God and you receive Christ’ righteousness as a gift, this is pure Grace, God deposits His righteousness in you when you believe in Christ, this is how you become eligible to go to heaven because of the same Grace!
Look at (Romans 5:17 AMP) For if by the trespass of the one (Adam), death reigned through the one (Adam), much more surely will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in [eternal] life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Now, the point here is that you and I, if we have believed Christ as our Saviour, we are His children forever and we possess His Righteousness, therefore we have the Identity of Christ in us.
Look at (Ephesians 1:4-5 NASB) just as He chose us IN HIM before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will.
We are Grace Recipients, Grace has saved and Grace will take us through, Grace is the unmerited favor, support and provision for our life here on this earth.
There are 45 things that I have listed down of what I am not when I am a Christian – One having the Identity of Christ. When I was listing these down I found myself too in few of them, dangerous! I need to watch out as I could simply spoil the Testimony of my Saviour in this world if I continue in them..
Here are they:
My Identity is NOT my Family.
My Identity is NOT what I do
My Identity is NOT my designation.
My Identity is NOT the Gifts I Possess.
My Identity is NOT me being myself (Careless me)
My identity is NOT my SIN.
My identity is NOT in my Knowledge.
My identity is NOT what the world says I am.
My identity is NOT in what I lack.
My Identity is NOT in my assets.
My Identity is NOT in the success I received in the past.
My Identity is NOT my Ministry.
My identity is NOT my past.
My identity is NOT my failure.
My identity is NOT my future.
My identity is NOT my desire to be something.
My identity is NOT my Church.
My identity is NOT my anger.
My identity is NOT my weakness.
My identity is NOT my strength.
My identity is NOT my problems.
My identity is NOT my disease/sickness.
My identity is NOT my debts.
My identity is NOT my associations.
My identity is NOT my mission field.
My identity is NOT my Qualification.
My identity is NOT my addiction.
My identity is NOT my spouse.
My identity is NOT my loss I had in business.
My identity is NOT my Girlfriend/boyfriend.
My identity is NOT my blessings I had from God.
My identity is NOT any harm that happened to me.
My identity is NOT my broken marriage.
My identity is NOT my social status.
My identity is NOT my skin color.
My identity is NOT my culture.
My identity is NOT the locality I live in.
My identity is NOT my membership in a Club.
My identity is NOT the brand I wear.
My identity is NOT is not my physic.
My identity is NOT my personality.
My identity is NOT my sexuality.
My identity is NOT my social media profile.
My identity is NOT my gadgets.
My identity is not Vegetarian or a Non-Vegetarian.
Truly, some maybe funny and silly, but sadly many believers find their identity in these kind of things, whereas the Bible calls them the Sons & Daughters of the most High..!
Let’s enjoy our Identity brothers & sisters, lets live according to the calling and the vocation that God has given to us by His Grace.
It’s Grace plus nothing! My Identity is Christ and nothing!

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