The Arrival of the Feminine Spirit

in #christ7 years ago

When I was 17 years old (2007) I received a vision: I was standing in a line of people aged 15-21. A chosen one had been selected, but the only thing publicly known was the age group the chosen one was in. The line was about a mile long, and I was approximately three quarters the way down. At the head of the line I saw a stage where tests were being conducted. I stood in the line for what seemed like forever, and my legs grew tired. I decided to use a skill I had learned in previous dreams, levitation. I hopped, then I was suspended in mid air. I saw it strange no one noticed me floating.
When I finally made it to the stage, I was called up and asked to sit down on an apple crate. A woman with green eyes gave me some objects to hold. She watched to see what I would do with them. I tried to look at them but couldn't with the way she gave them to me. I moved one object from my left hand to my right. Now I could see what I had. In my right hand I held three large white grapes. In my left hand I held two playing cards, the two of clubs with the five of diamonds behind it. The woman with green eyes found this interesting. She opened a large book and wrote in it. Then she turned to me and said, "Jump.". I was nervous. I knew if I jumped I would levitate. I slowly began to stand. Just then, a gang of teenagers closed in around me and prevented me from standing. This angered the woman with green eyes and she grabbed a large shepherd's hook. With one powerful thrust she threw the whole gang off the stage. She returned the shepherd's hook to its place, then turned to me again. "Jump!", she said and watched me intently. Reluctantly I stood up. I looked into her green eyes one last time, then jumped. When I felt myself levitating I woke up.
The paralysis of sleep stayed with me. I opened my eyes and saw an angel leaning over me. RayEl stood, a few steps back, to my right.
"Listen to what God's messenger has to say.", the angel said softly. "You are the chosen one. You have been selected for a purpose. In your right hand you saw three large white grapes. This means all your works are pure. In your left hand you saw two playing cards, the two of clubs with the five of diamonds behind it. This means your hardship will come first, this is what you're in now, but suddenly it will end. You will have over twice as much happiness than sorrow. This is the five of diamonds.". The angel looked up at RayEl. RayEl nodded and angel put his hand over my face. I felt the paralysis leave my body, but I my limbs felt heavy. The angel stood up and faced RayEl. Again, RayEl nodded, then the angel left. RayEl sat down on the bed beside me.
"How do feel?"
"Like lead."
He nodded, "Don't strain. You've been through a lot in the past twelve hours."
"What happened?"
"Shh. Rest."
I looked down at myself. I felt like I looking at my body for the first time. My body was blue, as if I had died.
"I'm blue."
"Shh. It's alright. I'll help you roll onto your left side."
I could feel gentle pushing as I struggled to turn. Just that simple task left me breathless.
"Shh. Relax. Breathe deeply. Feel the warmth of the Sun?"
I nodded.
"Enjoy that warmth. It will help you."
I laid in the sunlight, and slowly my breathing returned to normal.
"I want you to move your feet. They're still blue."
RayEl kept nursing me. He got me back on my feet, albeit still a little wobbly.
Walking felt new. Everything felt new. Even looking through my own eyes felt like the first time.
"How is it?", RayEl asked.
"Take a little getting used to again.", I heard myself say.
"Take it slow. Your body died in the transition. There's a problem we need to identify."
"That's why it's so heavy. I thought it was me."
"No. Are you still alright?"
"Yes, stop worrying. I'll be alright."
"It was a long twelve hours."
The whole time I listened to RayEl and the feminine spirit talk to one another, I felt trapped inside my own body. My normally masculine spirit was not happy with the feminine spirit. It wanted back total control.
The next day I (masculine) got up, got dressed, and began to tie my hair back, as usual. The feminine spirit, however, opened my hand to drop the tie.
"Listen here whoever you are, I wear my hair back."
"Not anymore!", heard myself say in an English accent.
I ran to the hallway mirror.
"Who are..."
I looked at my face and realized my hazel eyes had turned green.
"Like the woman in the dream.", I whispered.
I felt RayEl standing behind me. My masculine spirit grew angry.
"My eyes are green."
"And they look good on you."
"Why are they green?"
"Because you're a lady now."
"What if I don't want to be a lady?"
"I'm afraid it's set."
My masculine spirit was to the boiling point. It's anger overrode the calm feminine spirit.
"You said you would teach me. This ain't teaching! This is changing!"
RayEl looked at me shocked and confused. He took a step back.
"Are you alright?"
"No I'm not alright!", I yelled, walking toward RayEl. "You said you would teach me! Instead you've used me!"
"No! We completed you!", He yelled back, backing up the hallway, still confused.
"I was happy with me just the way I was! Now I have a tug of war going on inside and it's all your fault!"
"Amber calm down!"
"No! I deserve to know what's going on around here!"
"Father! What do i do?!", He did a double take toward Heaven. "Talk her down?!"
RayEl ran into the kitchen. I heard a high pitched frequency and then a kitchen chair pulled out. Normally that would have scared me straight, but I was too angry. I slammed the chair back under the table.
"You used me! You gained my trust then made me a host!"
RayEl ran to the other side of the table. "She's you! Can't you feel that? She's you. She completes you!"
"I was happy the way I was before!"
"Now you're better! Just submit to her! It will make the process a lot easier!"
I kept walking toward Him and He kept the table between Him and I.
"Who is she?!"
"I told you! She's you! The feminine you!"
"Why do I even need her?!"
"Because I like...", He stopped Himself.
"Go on."
"Don't hand me that! You like what?"
"Calm down."
"You like... women."
"Alright, so I like women."
"Why are you really here?"
"I chose you."
"For what?"
"You could say a job."
"Or you could say it like it is."
"I've chosen you for a position where you will teach and lead."
"More people will listen to a man. Maybe a man would be a better choice."
"No. You're particularly qualified because you're a woman."
I thought for a moment, "Stay out here. I need to be alone."
"With pleasure!"
RayEl shook His head, the look of disbelief in His eyes. I could hear Him talk to His Father.
"Of coarse I can handle a girl. That wasn't a girl. That was a lioness set on eating me alive!"
"I am not! Did you see the look in those eyes? Her energy was hostile."
"I didn't think she would act that way."
"Why should she? She knows I won't hurt her. I might yell at her, but I won't hurt her."
RayEl turned around. "What are you doing young lady? I thought you wanted to be alone."
"I'm in my room."
"Your feet are in your room. Your face is in the hallway.", He looked out the front door. "I'm going outside to talk to Father, and I do want to be alone."
They talked about 15 minutes. Just long enough for me to calm down and realize what I had done. RayEl then came back inside.
"Young lady come out here."
I came out as the scolded child I knew I was going to be.
"I talked to Father, and I realize you don't understand what is happening. Your feminine and masculine spirits are polarized. You need to let the feminine spirit be in charge. That's the only way the two are going to merge into one. Understand?"
"Yes Sir."
"Now, you keep that temper of yours in check. Unleash it on someone who deserves it. Not me. Understand?"
"Yes Sir."
The two spirits did blend into one, the feminine one in control. Now the two are indistinguishable.



Wauw Amber, this is so interesting, thanks . Tell us more ❤

Good to see you on Steemit, @amberjean

This post has received a 6.04 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @prime-cleric.

This is most excellent, Amber!

Very good! This is a huge experience !

Thank you, Amber, for continuing to share your story! A true inspiration! Much love.

i know that you can get very angry
i could feel it earlier but i prefer the
sunshine Amber you made me laugh
big time! Thank u 4 that Sister @amberjean

Great story!

You will be an excellent teacher sister. I`m watching closely

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