Nibiru Is Here!… Exactly When the Torah Code Said it Would Arrive! – 4/15/16

in #christ7 years ago (edited)

An older post on our website from our Imperial Regent Angelus Domini. This needs to be seen!!

Mark 13:14 – “When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong–let the reader understand–then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

Let’s just get the bragging out of the way first… WE TOLD YOU SO!!!… AGAIN!!!!!

While most of you listen to frauds and trolls, we have been giving you VERIFIABLE FACTS for the past 5 years, ever since Lord RayEl descended over Jerusalem on January 28th, 2011.

This time is no exception. wink


It became fully visible during the Hebrew month of ADAR II (Purim is in Adar II), and if you were a member of our Facebook Congregation, you know we’ve been giving the message of the Adar II arrival since February.

The Torah Code indicated that Nibiru would become visible in ADAR II, and it did, on March 31st, 2016.

As you can clearly see in the video below, Nibiru reflects off of the rippling water on a live webcam feed from Brazil, so IT IS NOT photoshopped or lensflare.

In fact, it’s appearing over Brazil almost daily now, on mornings when the clouds are few, so as with all of our claims, YOU CAN VERIFY IT YOURSELF.


If you follow our press releases on Before it’s News, you know that 3 weeks ago, we announced that the final Hopi Prophecy warning before Nibiru’s arrival had just happened, so again… WE WERE RIGHT!!!

Hopi Prophecy Warning: Link Here

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Have a very nice day!

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The Hopi prophecies are truly fascinating!

Soon it will pass and devastation will fallow and they will wish they listened to us

This is fascinating!

It will be making much more dramatic and widespread appearances soon.

Time to wake up! The clock is ticking, tick tock!

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