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RE: This man started the first band Chris Cornell was in called the Shemps. Information on the movie Cornell was backing about child sex trafficking, The Silent Children

in #chriscornell2 years ago (edited)

UPDATE on 10.2.2022
This is a great depiction of Chester from Great Warrior Michael Meredith

Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 2.32.56 PM.png

Found here,

This resonates with me and I'm sure others who understand and have experienced similar trials Chester went through. He and Chris Cornell were working on a movie together called the Silent Children, then Chris died a few months prior to Chester and here Chester dies on Chris' b-day?

Something doesn't add up right?

Yes. . .depictions of the child sex trafficking they were trying to expose finally came out in the movie Sound of Freedom.

Sadly along the way Avicii taken out with people who knew him saying he. . .just like Chris and Chester would NOT have committed suicide.

Here Ted Bergling was Also shining a bright light on child trafficking and pedogate with his song For a Better Day.

For A Better Day

So many tells in here including how the landscape matches the location of where Epstein's ranch was right in the think of things for what is known to go on in New Mexico.

Knockin' on Heaven's Door. Who all has been knocking? Young Guns, Billy the Kid, JFK, Murder Most Foul, Bob Dylan, Halyna Hutchins, Bonanza Creek Ranch, Tremintina Base, Jeffrey Epstein, how close is a super secret base to Epstein's NM ranch?

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