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RE: Choices We Make on our Steem Journeys! (@anttn contest entry)

I love your photos today, especially the your-turn-on-the-computer one. :D
If we had another crypto bull run, you'd be above dust threshold already, but in the current prices, my 100% (I'm just over 1000 SP) is currently about 4 cents. LOL. But at the ATH I think I was almost a quarter (and I had much less SP then because I was a noob!). It felt really nice.
I want to remind all the little fishies to check out @dustsweeper - it's a service where you send them a little Steem/SBD and they will upvote any posts or comments you have that are currently below the dust threshold. So say, you upvoted a comment of mine and it was .009 worth, and nobody else UV'd it. Dusty would come in close to the payout and UV it so that it passed the dust threshold, and I got paid. It's a really great service! That being said, as you can imagine with the current prices, Dusty is very busy and so probably won't get ALL of your dusty votes because their VP is used trying to keep up with them all. But then your balance just lasts longer. I recommend them to everyone! :)


I also keep my dustsweeper active. Those fragments add up after a while.

They absolutely do @fiberfrau. Last time I transferred some Steem to Dusty, the stats said I'd had something like 250+ dustsweeper upvotes. That does make a difference!


Thank you @phoenixwren!

I've been a @dustsweeper "customer" for a long time... and you're right, it's an awesome service for those with little votes. I've even had a couple of contests/drawings for basic "Dusty" subscriptions to get more people interested.

I sincerely hope we do get back to upwards trends in the crypto markets... I'm trying to remain hopeful that the recent signs of life with BTC is going to turn into "something," and that the Alt. coins will follow suit.


Me too - crypto Spring is Coming! :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 58080.30
ETH 3102.16
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.40