Is chocolate good or bad?

in #chocolate7 years ago (edited)

Who does not like chocolate? Is chocolate good or bad?

Chocolate is one of the most desirable products, it is a real pampering among women and not only. But is it a healthy or harmful spoil?

Here are some of the things that make us aware of chocolate and its effects:

Against the caries

According to researchers at the University of Osaka, chocolate can prevent cavities. Little strange, but the cocoa seeds are the ones containing an antibacterial agent that prevents cavities. Generally, these shells are eliminated in the production process, but in the future they will be included in the composition to make chocolate not only non-hazardous to teeth but also to help protect it.

Prevention of heart disease

Another group of researchers, Carl Keen and his team, said chocolate helped prevent heart disease. They say this delicious dessert contains chemicals, called flavonoids, that thin the blood and help prevent clots.

Another very important aspect is the benefit of chocolate consumption three times a day, which leads to a one-year extension. Of course, what is damaging to a lot, so too much chocolate gets to the opposite - it lowers life expectancy. Its high content of saturated fat contributes to obesity, so it increases the risk of heart disease. Let's spoil, but in moderation.

For those who can not give up chocolate, black chocolate is recommended because it's richer in cocoa than milk and increases HDL, the type of cholesterol that helps prevent artery walls.

Not just us, people prefer this dessert that bounces us, but also the animals. It is forbidden to give them chocolate because it damages them. Dogs and other domestic animals, such as horses, metabolize theobromine in chocolate more slowly than humans. Absolutely harmless doses for humans can be toxic or even deadly for animals, affecting their heart, kidneys, or central nervous system.

Concerning the composition, all modern chocolate products contain large amounts of sugar, which in many cases creates a real addiction. It is quite possible that this sensitivity to sweetness is inherited from parents, being a genetic factor.

Chocolate contains over 300 chemicals. It is not known the effect of each on the human body. Many women say they have a greater tendency to eat chocolate during the premenstrual period. This is very possible because chocolate contains magnesium, whose level is decreasing at that time. Also, a desire for chocolate occurs during pregnancy, which may indicate an anemia, the iron content of chocolate helping in this case.

It is well known that chocolate stimulates the hormone of happiness, which is why it is so adored. It makes us feel good, interacting
With the brain. Like other sweet foods, chocolate stimulates the release of
Endorphins, natural hormones that generate feelings of pleasure and happiness.

What kind of chocolate you need to consume for an aphrodisiac effect

Eat cocoa-rich chocolate, because this is the secret ingredient that increases your sexual appetite. The ones filled with creams of different flavors or even the simple ones with milk have a much lower cocoa content. So the only chocolate you should consume for aphrodisiac purposes is the black one, because it has the largest amount of cocoa. White chocolate, for example, does not contain cocoa, so do not release the chemicals that increase your libido in your body. To maximize the aphrodisiac effect, consume chocolate shortly before sex. If you have a long day of work and you feel uncomfortable and energy, consume a few black chocolate tablets before you leave work. Until you get home, chocolate helps you release endorphins, which relax and give you a state of fulfillment, things that you most need at the end of your work schedule.


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