Chlorella for Detox - Is it Safe?

in #chlorella2 years ago

The two shocking client experiences will let you think twice about taking chlorella powder for safe detoxing.

Chlorella alga has been hyped as a superfood with its seemingly endless health benefits. Well… Gut Feeler friend, here’s a critical review of why chlorella might NOT be your best choice for a detox.

Both Mike and Andrea, the two client examples I share in the video, have been recommended chlorella as the best green superfood powder.

And it seems chlorella algae is present in nearly every greens supplement or vegan protein powder. Why is that?

We’ll talk about chlorella health benefits in the first part of this video.
After that, I explain to you in plain English (zero medical terms confusion) why Chlorella is a really bad, potentially dangerous choice for your next detox.

While I do not recommend chlorella as a safe detox supporter, there is one green superfood that was called by the WHO as the “food of the future”.

It’s spirulina. If you asked me who wins the Chlorella vs spirulina contest, it is by far (especially for safety reasons) spirulina.

Here's the best alternative to chlorella supplement and chlorella powder:

Want to learn why chlorella can be so dangerous for detoxing?
Then watch the video and share your experience with chlorella in the comments below.

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