Warm moments between Chinese President Xi Jinping and dreamers丨 "If China is to be strong and rejuvenated, it must vigorously develop science and technology"

in #chinese2 years ago

Science and technology is the prosperity of the nation, science and technology is strong, the country is strong. One hundred years of vicissitudes, wind and rain, the national rejuvenation of the dream road, the footsteps of scientific exploration never stop.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation power lies in people." Every story about dream has trekking footprints, striving figures and sweat of struggle.

The new era of the new journey, in the pursuit of dreams on the road to sow the future of the majority of science and technology workers, are Xi Jinping general secretary of the heart of the concern. Field, enterprise workshop, research institutes ...... an unforgettable meeting, an in-depth exchange of dialogue, a cordial and warm moment, the General Secretary's sage advice and affectionate encouragement, converging into the confidence and determination of all - "China's independent innovation cause is promising, the majority of our science and technology workers are promising."

"Write your thesis in the field and the earth"


March 22 to 25, 2021, the CPC Central Committee General Secretary, President, Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping in Fujian inspection. This is the afternoon of the 22nd, Xi Jinping in Wuyishan City, Nanping Xingcun town swallow areal ecological tea garden, with science and technology missionaries, tea farmers cordial exchanges, to understand the development of the local tea industry.

Pleasant to see a thousand waves of rice beans, heroes everywhere under the sunset smoke. The story of General Secretary Xi Jinping and science and technology workers is told from the land beneath his feet.

In March 2021, in the city of Wuyishan, the grass is verdant, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, Liao Hong, from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, met General Secretary Xi Jinping here. As a science and technology commissioner, she introduced to the General Secretary, by planting soybeans and rape between the tea trees, not only to the soil to supplement the fertility, but also to effectively prevent pests and diseases, and improve the quality of tea. The general secretary expressed his affirmation of this, instructed "the thesis written in the field on the earth".

It is under the support and guidance of Comrade Xi Jinping that the science and technology commissioner system started in 1999 from Nanping City, Fujian, and then gradually went nationwide. over 20 years, hundreds of thousands of science and technology commissioners have been running around in the mountains and fields, leading the establishment of 15,000 enterprises or cooperatives, using the light of science and technology to illuminate the road to prosperity of the villagers.

In the hit TV series "Love in the Mountains and the Sea", there is a professor named Ling Yinong, who came from Fujian to Ningxia to teach farmers to grow mushrooms to get rich from poverty, his prototype is a science and technology missionary, Professor Lin Zhanxi of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, who just recently walked on the 20th Party Representative Channel. During his work in Fujian, Comrade Xi Jinping sent Lin Zhanshi to Xihaigu to spread the technology of mycorrhizal grass, as one of the important projects of Fujian-Nanjing counterpart support, a small strain of grass not only turned the "dry beach" into "golden beach", but also widely used in more than 500 counties across the country, and spread to more than 100 countries and regions worldwide. It has also been widely used in more than 500 counties in China and extended to more than 100 countries and regions around the world, turning it into a "friendship grass" for the benefit of the world.

Where the country's needs are, the position of science and technology workers will be where. Yuan Longping, who has been plowing rice fields all his life, and Li Baoguo, the "new Yugo" on Taihang Mountain ...... are names that General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly mentioned.

There is no flat avenue in science, only those who climb along the steep mountain path without fear of hardship can hope to reach the glorious summit. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "I believe that the majority of scientists and scientific workers in China have the confidence, will and ability to reach the summit of science and make their due contribution to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and to the promotion of the building of a community of human destiny!"

"Apply the achievements of science and technology in the great cause of achieving modernization"

Let China's large aircraft soar into the blue sky, carrying the national will, national dreams, people's expectations.

On the morning of September 30 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping met with representatives of the C919 large passenger aircraft project team at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and visited the project results exhibition, fully affirming the milestone achievement of the C919 large passenger aircraft development task, pointing out that "to focus on key core technologies, continue to work together to tackle the problem.


Party and state leaders Xi Jinping and Han Zheng meet with representatives of the C919 large passenger aircraft project team and visit the project achievements exhibition at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Sept. 30, 2022. This is Xi Jinping and others visiting the project's results exhibition.

Back in time 8 years ago, in May 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping boarded the C919 large passenger aircraft display prototype during a visit to COMAC. In the comprehensive test hall, scientific researchers and test pilots rushed to hear the news. The general secretary said to everyone, we want to be a strong country, we must get the equipment manufacturing industry up, the large aircraft up, play a leading role, iconic role.

"Poor reasoning so that it knows, and the reverse to practice actually." General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the majority of science and technology workers to write papers on the motherland, the application of scientific and technological achievements in the great cause of achieving modernization." From the project in 2007 to the first flight in 2017, and then in September this year to obtain the type certificate of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, 15 years of hard work, three generations of people chasing the dream of cloudy skies, large aircraft manufacturing and manned spaceflight, exploration of the moon and fire, deep sea and deep earth exploration, supercomputers, satellite navigation, quantum information, nuclear power technology, new energy technology, biomedicine, etc. together into the Party's 20th Congress report, as a steadfastly follow the Chinese It has become a testimony of unswervingly following the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics.

Innovation is the first driving force to lead development. The report of the 20th Party Congress emphasizes that the Party should adhere to the central position of innovation in the overall situation of China's modernization, accelerate the achievement of high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and accelerate the construction of a strong country in science and technology.

The goal is clear, the blueprint has been drawn. Born in a prosperous time, when the prosperous time, born in its time, will strive for its time. Accelerate to overcome the "neck" technology in important fields, from "runner" to "parallel" and then to "leader "China's independent innovation will have a unique and endless view!

"Integrate the ideal of life into the struggle to achieve the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation"


The National Spiritual Civilization Construction Commendation Conference is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Nov. 17, 2017. This is Xi Jinping inviting Representative Huang Xuhua to sit beside him.

On November 17, 2017, when General Secretary Xi Jinping was preparing to take a group photo with more than 600 delegates attending the National Spiritual Civilization Construction Commendation Conference, he saw Huang Xuhua, chief designer of China's first generation nuclear submarine, standing among the delegates, and held the hand of the elderly man and asked him to sit beside him, the old scientist insisted that he refused, and he repeatedly invited, "Come! Squeeze on the line, that's all."

Do amazing things, do anonymous people. For the older generation of scientists, General Secretary Xi Jinping called to inherit and carry forward the excellent quality of their hearts for the motherland, service to the people, the heart of the "country of the great", for the country to share concerns, solve problems for the country, for the country to do their duty, and take the lead in treating the "gray hair backbone".

For young science and technology workers, General Secretary Xi Jinping attentively cared for and placed high hopes on. In May this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to the young team building the space station of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, encouraging them to "send out the dazzling glory of youth on the journey of dreaming of space". In the letter, the General Secretary recalled the exchange with young researchers in their place 9 years ago. 9 years, a large number of young people in space to take up a big beam, take up a heavy responsibility, with the time, youth is magnificent!

Science has no national boundaries, scientists have a homeland. General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged the majority of scientific and technological personnel to firmly establish the idea of innovation and technology, service to the country, for the benefit of the people, the ideal of life into the struggle to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation's Chinese dream.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to creating an environment that recognizes, loves and respects talent, and the report of the 20th Party Congress is written to "accelerate the construction of national strategic talent force, and strive to cultivate more masters, strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams, young scientific and technological talent, excellent engineers, great craftsmen, highly skilled personnel".

"To be strong and rejuvenated, China must vigorously develop science and technology and strive to become a major scientific center and innovation highland in the world." In the expedition full of dreams, the majority of science and technology workers are concerned about "national affairs", shoulders "national responsibility", will create more miracles, win greater glory.

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