{Chinese food method--2018}柚子炒饭{Chinese food method--2018}Pomelo fried rice

in #chinese6 years ago

{Chinese food method--2018}柚子炒饭
{Chinese food method--2018}Pomelo fried rice
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· 将上述食材准备好,虾去壳去虾线,加1勺料酒,半小勺胡椒粉,少许盐,少许淀粉腌制15分钟
· 柚子剥皮取适量果肉(本来想把整个柚子剥出来,摆个米饭放柚子里的造型,奈何剥不出来
· 米饭最好是隔夜冷藏的米饭,加两颗鸡蛋搅拌均匀,这样炒出来的米饭会很香
· 开始炒饭:锅里下油,爆香葱姜蒜,下虾仁炒至变色后,把蔬菜丁和火腿丁全部放进去炒入味
· 然后把米饭倒进去炒匀,加盐/鸡精/生抽调味,最后加柚子炒香
· 柚子炒饭就做好啦
Grapefruit fried rice

Following the pineapple fried rice, another fresh grapefruit fried rice is basically the same as the pineapple fried rice. The taste is somewhat different. The pineapple fried rice pineapple tastes more fragrant, while the grapefruit fried rice is relatively fresh, and it does not feel bitten to the rice grain mixed with grapefruit, sour. Sweet joy.
Rice / grapefruit / shrimp / two eggs
Cucumber Diced / Carrot Diced / Corn Diced / Ham Ding
Onion, ginger, minced garlic

Cooking wine / pepper / salt / starch (salted shrimp)
Salt / chicken essence / soy sauce (fried rice seasoning)

· Prepare the above ingredients, remove the shrimps to the shrimp line, add 1 teaspoon of cooking wine, half a teaspoon of pepper, a little salt, a little starch and marinate for 15 minutes.
· Grapefruit peeling and taking a proper amount of pulp (I originally wanted to peel the whole grapefruit and put a rice in the shape of the grapefruit, but I couldn’t peel it out.)
· Rice is best to refrigerate rice overnight, add two eggs and mix well, so that the fried rice will be very fragrant
· Start frying rice: Put the oil in the pan, sauté the scallions, ginger and garlic. After the shrimps are fried to the discoloration, put the diced vegetables and diced diced into the sauce.
· Then pour the rice in and stir well, add salt / chicken essence / raw seasoning, and finally add grapefruit to saute
· Grapefruit fried rice is ready

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