


Chinese Omelet is a quick, healthy and delicious Egg dish which you can eat any time in the breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner or whenever you are hungry and really want to eat something nutritious and same time that can be prepared super fast.


2 eggs

1/4 cup onions cut in half circles

1/4 cup sliced sweet green pepper

1/4 cup sliced cabbage

1 green chili chopped


In a bowl break 2 eggs. Add 2 pinch of salt and beat it well. Add chopped green chilies and coriander leafs mix it and keep it a side.

In a frying pan heat 1 table spoon oil and fry onion till they are slightly golden. Add cabbage and capsicum fry them for a minute. Add vinegar and soy sauce fry for 10 seconds.

Push all the fried vegetables in the one side of the pan and add 1 tea spoon of oil, now pour beaten eggs and spread fried vegetable over egg and cook for 30 seconds one side and then gently flip the omelet to the half way and cook for 30 seconds. flip it to other side and cook for another 30 seconds. remove from the heat.

Delicious and nutritious Chinese Omelet is ready to serve in the breakfast/lunch or dinner or even for a quick snack.

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