in #china6 years ago (edited)


The madness continues in a crackdown on harmful sites.!

But should we be asking what is harmful. An is one person or organization's opinion enough to line and control public census. Are we going past a nanny state. To a world without personal input, a direction of autonomy?

The world is not just a compliment, observation. Ruled by an elite, leadership and followed by the many. It's an implication of the many's goal to include thought, drive and "yes!" there individual inclusion within, life and all that becomes of it.

CHINA - Rightly so shuts down VIOLENT & PORNOGRAPHIC sites.

An adoption which all governments should entail an a standard which we could all follow.

"Setting precedence."

Although now the internet is owned by private means. A place of which it's creator Tim Berners-Lee will no doubt be objectively disgusted with. We find governments while expressing their honesty and transparency. May not be telling truths.

"here in lies the rub"

How many of these sites are certainly, or where possibly shut down, for other means?

We as always leave you to make your own mind up?

The Chinese Government are very outspoken and sensor their internet from the rest of the world. Which is a commendable feet of ingenuity. With one of the largest populations on earth.

"Why wouldn't you centralize power for your people and personal opportunities?"

Although we do always beg the question? Should a concept, with such freedoms. Be so heavily governed ?

Obviously the giant's google are tailoring their wears to fit the bill under a Chinese authority, with their "Employee's" (hmm), becoming very upset with these Ideals. It seams Google, doesn't like being curtailed in this manner.

But which world leading company would?

The US and UK are taking their usual stance, for interests and purposes.

"The plot thickens."

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