These products will be launched in the world and exhibited in China!

in #china3 years ago

The opening of the 13th Air China Expo is just around the corner, and the countdown to the booth construction and equipment furnishings of the venues is now in the countdown. Today is the media open day. The scale of this year's airshow has been further expanded, and the number of exhibition halls has increased from 8 to 11 in the previous edition. In addition to the large-scale participation of domestic military industry companies, this air show will welcome about 700 companies from nearly 40 countries and regions online and offline, including China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Brazil.

This year's air show is still playing the "land, sea, air, sky, electricity" and "high-precision" cards. A group of new products, new technologies, new services, and new achievements representing the world's advanced level will be "the world premiere, the first exhibition in China". The scale of this year's airshow is expanding and it is very exciting. How to watch the show "scientifically"? What are the different highlights of this year's edition compared with previous editions? Let's follow the reporter to have a look.

A week ago, the "Space Trip Trio" of Shenzhou 12 successfully returned to Earth, which once again triggered the craze for spaceflight among Chinese people. At this air show, the space station assembly, Tianwen-1, Chang'e-5, and the return cabin of the new-generation manned spacecraft test ship will be exhibited at the China Air Show. Among them, the space station assembly will integrate physical objects, models, and VR virtual reality technology demonstrations to present my country's latest achievements in the field of manned spaceflight.

Zhang Wei, the overall designer of the space station system of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace, said that the electrical module of the space station at the initial stage of the first show at the China Air Show is an important part of the space station assembly. "Twin brothers", the ratio of 1:1, has all the functions that are really put into use.

Zhang Wei: “Shenzhou 12’s two missions to exit from the airlock are from the airlock. The smaller column section is called the small column section, which is mainly used for aerospace life. There are three sleeping areas inside, which can provide three aerospace. The crew sleeps, and there is a sanitary area where the astronauts can go to the toilet and take a bath. After that, most of them are mainly working areas, which have some working areas for spacecraft control, maintenance, station management and so on. There are also many areas. It’s for the payload, the experimental payload, where the astronauts can do experiments. The large column at the rear is mainly the working and experimental area. There is a back-end channel behind the large column, which connects to the cargo spacecraft at the back for the astronauts to take and unload the cargo. ."

Zhang Wei said that the Shenzhou 12 mission was successfully implemented, and the three astronauts stayed in orbit for three months, verifying many key technologies for the operation of the space station. The functions of the core module of the space station are normal and in good condition, and the verification and assembly of key technologies of the space station will continue.

Zhang Wei: "In three months, the entire space station’s orbital material closed loop, life support, as well as the astronauts’ on-orbit life and entertainment exercises, work experiments, and other technologies have been fully verified. The successful completion of the secondary exit mission indicates that the core module of the space station supports normal exit activities, and it has also mastered the technology of cooperating with outsiders, robotic arms and the ground to complete the mission."

Zhang Wei said that the China Space Station is carrying out key technology verification work and will complete the orbit construction of the space station around 2022. After the assembly and construction are completed, the space station will operate in orbit for more than ten years to give full play to the role of the space laboratory.

There is another area at the air show that also requires everyone's special attention, and that is the field of drones. You know, whether it is a military drone or a civilian drone, China is developing very fast, and new models will be unveiled at each air show. This year's No Detection-7 high-altitude long-endurance electronic warfare UAV is the most beautiful boy.

Military expert Fu Qianshao: "Foreign media to call it China's'Global Hawk' is quite appropriate. The'Global Hawk' used to be the world's largest drone, and its wingspan is still the largest. The'Global Hawk' is long. Time occupies the first place in the world for drones. It is characterized by flying high, flying far, and long in the air. It can fly continuously over the mission area for 40 hours. The take-off weight has now grown to 12 tons, which can be achieved. Fly across states."

The Wudi-7 UAV is the world's first large-scale UAV with a diamond-shaped joint-wing structure. Fu Qianshao believes that compared to the "Global Hawk", the Wudi-7 not only has obvious advantages in appearance, but also has excellent performance. Remarkable.

Fu Qianshao: "The characteristic of Wuzheng-7 is that in order to fly high and far, and achieve a goal similar to that of the'Global Hawk', we have adopted a stronger connection wing, so Wuzhen-7 is in the ceiling. It surpasses the American'Global Hawk' in terms of speed, speed and climb power."

In the view of military expert Li Jie, Wudi-7's strong stealth capability is also one of its advantages.

Li Jie: "The designer has some stealth designs for it. It has many similarities with the American Global Hawk. Many parts use wave-absorbing materials, and the radar waves of the other side can be absorbed by the transmitted waves. So there is no detection-more than -7 Very excellent stealth performance, which can greatly reduce the detection range of the opponent’s radar, which can be reduced by half or a third, which greatly improves the survivability of the battlefield."

The J-16D electronic warfare aircraft makes its debut

Modern warfare is increasingly demanding electronic warfare, so electronic warfare aircraft was born. What tasks do "recruits" electronic warfare aircraft undertake in actual combat?

Wang Yanan, editor-in-chief of "Aviation Knowledge Magazine": "The so-called electronic warfare aircraft is an aircraft that competes and confronts in the electromagnetic spectrum. To be more specific, electronic warfare aircraft can suppress, confuse, and deceive the enemy’s electromagnetic sensors and electromagnetic emission sources. Even destroy. The enemy’s “eyes” and “ears”, as well as the “mouth” used for communication, will be suppressed by electronic warfare aircraft and cannot function. In this way, the enemy’s radar cannot see the targets in the air and fire. The control system cannot guide weapon attacks, and the communication system may also be temporarily interrupted. This is the credit of the electronic warfare aircraft."

Electronic warfare aircraft can compete for superiority in the electromagnetic spectrum, and we can also call it "control of electromagnetic power." With this advantage, you can gain the initiative of the entire battlefield, so it is better than a thousand troops and a thousand cannons. Military expert Fu Qianshao pointed out that the F-16D that was shown at the China Air Show this time is a tactical electronic warfare aircraft. Its debut means that my country has become the second country after the United States to be equipped with professionally designed electronic fighters.

Fu Qianshao: "We have never exhibited before, which shows that we have achieved great results in developing special electronic warfare aircraft similar to the American "Growler". In addition, the J-16D has a large payload, a long range, and a long range. The carrier equipment is advanced, so it is of certain significance to make its debut at the air show, which shows that we have reached a big step in tactical electronic countermeasures and reached the world's advanced level."


From the appearance point of view, the J-16D is basically the same as the J-16 fighter, but there are obvious differences in many details. For example, the J-16D does not have a wingtip missile pylon, instead it is replaced by two cylindrical electronic jamming cranes. The cabin is very similar to the F-11A/Su-30, but it is significantly larger and has four antennas above it. The infrared search and tracking sensor and cannon are removed from the F-16D nose part, so the cockpit is blocked underneath. The flame plate is gone, and the location of the equipment maintenance port has also changed, making the overall look more concise and atmospheric.

Wang Yanan: "The J-16 originally had a large photoelectric sensor detection ball on the nose, but it was also cancelled. This thing was originally used to detect aerial targets using optical sensing. It was originally part of the J-16 fire control system. It is now cancelled. But in the place we can't see the J-16D, that is, the nose is equipped with a high-power, perfect-performance active electronic scanning phased array radar, which is an important hardware of it. From the appearance, it is There were two more pods, no cannons, and then the photoelectric ball was also cancelled, so many people seemed to have no weapons, but its most advantageous weapon is the electronic warfare pod."

In addition, Wang Yanan also judged that the J-16D as a full-time electronic warfare aircraft can achieve tactical accompaniment to suppress interference.

Wang Yanan: "Considering China's continuous advancement of radar electronic technology, the J-16D may also achieve long-range cyber attacks in the future. Modern electronic warfare aircraft, such as the J-16D, may have two important characteristics. One is the long distance of the attack, and the other is the high accuracy of the attack. This kind of attack efficiency is especially needed and relied on by the People’s Liberation Army, because it is possible to accurately “snipe” an enemy’s sensor from a long distance and accurately let the enemy A certain radar achieves blindness or paralysis, which may be the greatest ability of the J-16D."


Various "high-precision" weapons and equipment are exhibited, leading the future development direction

"The outsider sees the excitement, the insider sees the doorway." In addition to paying attention to all kinds of eye-catching aircraft, tanks, and radars, what other equipment is also worth stopping at?

Modern warfare has long bid farewell to the era of single-handed combat. It is more about the confrontation between systems and systems. It is difficult for any product to represent the "direction." Therefore, Li Heng, spokesperson for the China North Industries Group Air Show, said that watching the air show still Need to look at it as a whole.

Li Heng: "I would like to recommend you a few things to watch here. You can pay attention to the 155 artillery we exhibited this time, including the vehicle-mounted howitzer, the crawler self-propelled howitzer, and the towed light howitzer, including the SH15. In addition to the main battle platform, the vehicle-mounted howitzer also exhibited supporting equipment such as command vehicles, artillery reconnaissance and school radars, and reconnaissance drones, reflecting the systematic and systematic development direction of weaponry and equipment. You can pay attention to our unmanned Equipment. On the one hand, our unique army drones, and on the other hand, our unmanned vehicles with actual combat capabilities. More importantly, we can achieve unmanned and unmanned operations through coordinated operations with manned and unmanned equipment. The combat effectiveness of manned equipment has doubled, and some products and solutions were also exhibited this time, such as the joint display of the VT5 light tank and the MR5 UAV, the joint display of the SH15 vehicle gun and the FX70 UAV. These all reflect the lack of weapons and equipment. Humanization and the development direction of manned and unmanned coordinated operations."

Experts will know if there is any! After listening to Li Heng's words, I got a small strategy for this air show. In addition, Li Heng also gave a little spoiler.

Li Heng: "We have a brand new wheeled armored vehicle that will be released for the first time at this air show. This armored vehicle has good protection, strong carrying capacity, all-wheel steering, semi-active suspension, etc., and its performance has reached world-class performance. Level, let us wait and see."

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