Why I Won't Be Able to Post Bachelor Food Posts Anymore. And What's a KTV?

in #china7 years ago

I finally got a girlfriend. Long over due but I was waiting for the right one.

She really puts my Chinese to the test since she doesn't speak much English. I think you can agree it is well worth it.

I've been looking for the right girl for quite some time. It's like every time I find a girl I like she's not into me and when she is into me I am not into her. Finally on the same page, bout time. I met her when I was taking care of those duckling in the spring. She lives in one of the buildings next to mine. I was outside feeding them and she parked her car nearby and started chatting me up. We traded Wechats; which is the modern Chinese equivalent of getting her phone number.

We played Badminton a couple times and she turned down my advances. She said she wanted to be my "Big Sister" which in China is like saying friend who will help you out but nothing more. Which is a HUGE turn off to western men and the best thing a girl can say to us to let us down softly if they are not interested.

Anyways, many months later I saw her climbing up the hill with one of her girlfriends, a really rugged part that I wouldn't even go up. I hadn't really messaged her much since the spring. Most Chinese girls would not go up such a hill and I was reassured that she was not just beautiful but she also has that adventurist spirit I have been looking for in a girl. Believe it or not I was feeding some rabbits living in the same spot I had kept the ducks. I took a quick photo and sent it to her saying "Is that you climbing the mountain?" Well, the rest is history.

We went out a bunch of times and my Chinese just keeps getting better. I put in a good effort to learn more daily. Last night we went to KTV with a couple of her friends and a couple of mine. KTV's are sexy private party rooms with dancing, singing and drinking games. Tons of fun. Well, I'm actually an awful singer but after enough drinks I have no shame belting out some of my favourite tunes. You see if I sing bad all the other bad singers gain some confidence and the party just gets better.

Good drinks, this place didn't have much of an imported beer selection so I went with Corona over the Budweiser. I normally drink whisky but the ladies wouldn't have liked that as much. Shots and a fruit platter to top it all off.

I will let the following photos speak for them self.

If you're ever in China you're going to have to indulge in this most culturally appropriate activity.


Finally you are in a good company. It is better to be late then to choose the bad company in hurry.

damn , i say this is a #beautifulsunday kind of post. to more happy times for you😎

haha, yea, I should have tagged that. I'm long over due a Beautiful Sunday post. Thanks for checking in. ^^

You're welcome. Have a good week ahead.

WOW Getting really nostalgic here. I remember going to those KTV bars quite frequently.

Love them KTV's. One for ever flavour of skittle. lol

Congrats Buddy ! Happy to hear you got yourself a girlfriend :) Good timing too as it's easier to get through the winter with some company hehe . This will improve your Chinese fast I am sure so that is an extra plus as well !

I'm remembering so much had learned never used. It will skyrocket my Chinese. Plus I'm going study harder and maybe find a tutor. I know her and I will be keeping each other warm this winter. ^^

Haha lol ! Yes it will skyrocket your Chinese for sure. I have had friends who lived here for a long time but didn't really learn Chinese. Ten I had friends who got a Chinese girlfriend and their Chinese got really good really fast. It's all about using it on a daily basis

Very nice story enjoying my friend wish you all the best

Thanks man. I gotta keep up with Steemit. I've been slacking. You got some votes coming your way.

Thanks mate I really appreciate your support

About damn time! 😁😁

Certainly made your day eh! Makes for a more enjoyable and meaningful stay in China.

She interested in joining Steemit? Would be nice to let her be acquainted with the #cn community.

Thanks. I did enjoy being independent in China. I didn't want to be one of those expats that needed a gf to help do the simple things like order food and take taxi's or pay a bill. BUT I have certainly missed out on a lot of opportunities by not having one.

Well, she is aware of my blog and this post. If she wants to sign up I'd b happy to help her out as much as I can but I am not on here as much anymore.

I will encourage her to use Yoyow when it launches, the Chinese style of Steemit for Mainland China when it launches.

Ah YOYOW. its such a shame and my mandarin writing and reading skills has gone down the drain.

Never knew there expats so stuck up like that! needing someone else just to order food and pay bills?

they needed language help. Some have been here years and can hardly say more than Ni hao. lol

I think I've heard of expats like that. And not good things either. Not trying to be offensive as I talk from an outsider point of view.
I think there's even a vulgar slang term made famous by a viral Chinese rap song too.

We'll it's great that you're not one of them. And yep as you said you're long overdue to having a Chinese girlfriend. 😂😂😂

I think she'll be the start of your journey into understanding the chinese culture on another deeper level. Make you realise that there are so many nuances and subtleties in dealing with people that I frankly think might blow your mind. 😁😁

At least I think so, since my ancestors emigrated from the mainland a few centuries ago lotsa stuff went down there. But for me as an ethnic Chinese, the amount of time I've been smacked by grandma for just holding the chopstick "wrong" will surprise you.

haha, I am familiar with the song actually. Gui lo, or something like that, it southern Chinese dialect. The weird thing about its music video is the song is really an anti western song but he's sporting western fashion and riding on western luxury cars, kinda self defeating. lol

And wow! Your family came hundreds of years ago, those were truly tough times for Asians in the west. Good on them for making it through. What a tale your blood line must have.

I had gf here my first couple years here so I do have good idea of the little things but there are countless little things I will certainly learn and figure out more them and get to experience the old ones from another perspective. I do expect my quality of life to grow in many ways, I can do the same for her. She is my inspiration.

I actually worked with an ethnic Chinese girl from America whose family has been out of China so long, she like you, lost the language and much of the culture. It's really weird because her being Chinese and in China but not being ale to speak just blows the mind. lol . It sounds narrow minded doesn't it, "Oh you're Chinese you must know the language", that's not my intention. I just mean I everyone starts talking to her in Chinese yet she doesn't understand what they are saying even after being here a couple years.

I'm not surprised your granny smacks ya (very Chinese), haha, I am surprised you hold chopsticks wrong. Even I got that mastered long before I ever thought of coming here and I come from small "white town" in the middle of nowhere Canada. lol Well, I hold them wrong wrong too but i do better than some Chinese I've met.

Hey, your always welcome in Dalian, I'll show ya around and be your half assed translator. ^^

I don't blame you for not speaking the language my dad's side is Russian, I'm third generation and I can't even say hello in their native tongue, totally understandable. Also one of my bigger regrets. It's impressive how well people can adapt to new countries when they really want it. I've always wanted it here but suddenly I crave it.

Life is awesome.

Awww....congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Those ducklings really made a difference in your life. Couples food posts have twice as much food in them so they are even better.

Thank you. Quality of life is going to skyrocket. She has a cat too. ^^ She likes cooking Chinese food so I will learn how to cook Chinese and I will be sharing those dishes for sure. ^^

nice party time, your photography is nice, petty amazing

haha, it was actually really hard to get my camera to focu with all the lights and lasers flashing. I took about 50 and kept about 15. lol Glad you enjoyed. ^^

Oh, nice bud. I'm really happy for you. Have fun ;)

Thanks man.

a very good post my friend may you succeed always in steemit. I hope we follow each other and help each other in steemit. follow me and vote my posting, then do not hesitate I will visit your blog and will vote back.

Thanks. I try to support as many as I can I will check out your posts. ^^

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