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RE: Forget the Trade War - China Has a Bigger Problem: Starvation

in #china5 years ago

It is always a pleasure to see the "latest, greatest" post from you @patriamreminisci!

It is not just the great depth of detail and documentation, but your "straight up" style in how you choose to write it.

Some might attribute this ...

"... puts the discovery of a corn-eating parasite in China's corn crops into perfect perspective. This pest, which has a history of claiming up to 10 percent of a nation's corn crop at a single feast, has been found in 18 Chinese provinces and is spreading rapidly ..."

... to "bad luck." Or "bad karma" perhaps ... I prefer "divine intervention" ...

Where does all of this leave you? Any progress on possibly getting out of there?

P.S. Unrelated, but of potential interest to you, is the recent "disappearance" of the primary developer behind the Partiko app - a native of China. There have been various reports of what happened to him, but one is he went there on a visit ..

Posted using Partiko Android


Funny you mentioned it.
I actually was going to make a comment about the Swine Fever outbreak being possibly Karmic, given its timing, but opted to save my sarcasm for the end (I am trying, not always successfully, to adopt a scholarly tone and not let it be obvious that I am rubbing my hands together gleefully as I watch the self-anointed "Central Nation" get what they deserve, but considering that one of the nations China has a habit of bullying is my children's homeland, it's not always easy to stay detached and academic when writing these articles.

As for the disappearance of the Partiko app designer, this is the first I have heard of it but that definitely perks my interest. Given China's newfound desperation in the wake of their loss of access to US-made components, the disappearance of a cutting-edge app designer on a trip to China is certainly suspicious. The PRC does have a habit of detaining their native sons and daughters who go abroad for too long, if and when they return.

Yes well @ patriamreminisci ...

"...I am trying, not always successfully, to adopt a scholarly tone and not let it be obvious ..."

... I think you do an admirable job on the "scholarly" tone part. Although, I "read between the lines" for what lies beneath it ... 😉

On the "disappearance," just a quick note to say that was something I saw, but nothing definitive, at least as far as I am aware. I've had a number of interactions with him personally over time (including an offer to give me a tour of his hometown - the city of Xi'an ...). I reached out via the Chat feature (since I was a very early adopter of Partiko Android) to him directly, but ... So far, nothing and that is just not like him ...

Nice to see you have been getting some support on this great post, including @c-cubed's June 14th highlights post. Keep up the great work!

P.S. Not sure how familiar you are with some of the "tools" you can use to keep track of your "mentions," etc. I am happy to help you with some ideas, if interested ...

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