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RE: Situation Update: Still Trapped in China

in #china5 years ago

Catching up a bit this evening @patriamreminisci, yes ...

"... but that would require disclosing my identity, which is not safe for someone writing an anti-China blog from inside of China to do until they have left permanently."

... I definitely understand. For your sake, though, I was hoping they might at least help you with confidentially getting word out and back to America to assist you with securing the funds needed to pay your hospital bill. You would then presumably no longer be a prisoner, but free to go. Assuming you would ...

Have you written anything about the "evolution" (or whatever word(s) you would choose ...) you have been through, from the time you answered "the call" for an English teacher in China (you say here in 2012?) to where you are today? If so, I'd welcome a link. I would definitely read it.

Great to see you have been added to the list of c-square / c-cubed. That should provide some more exposure and support.


I have written about these past five years on various different sites, but so far not here on Steemit. Perhaps I should consider that. Journals and biographies seem to be better received on this site than bland analytical articles.

I like your posts just as they are @patriamreminisci, as they are both well written and documented.

That said, given the great diversity "in here," from all over the world, it is not easy to say what might reach a broader audience.

I have always just written "from the heart" and let the chips fall where they will from there.

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