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RE: Ugly Fish Could Be On The Menu. China Life Photography

in #china6 years ago (edited)

Oh that's a cute strange looking eel to me. Also that fish with the big lips , smackingly yummy!. I had tried eels, octopus and sting ray. My dad used to cook them with coconut milk and lots of garlic, ginger and pepper. I missed those seafood dishes really. I could eat lots of rice with that sting ray!
Well, I don't think there's an ugly fish, all living things are made beautiful it's just that sometimes we humans easily judge them with how they look. Well the most beautiful fish on earth could also laugh at the most beautiful human in the world and say, "eh, that human is ugly, humans have no flashy tails nor fins." For me true beauty is definitely way beyond what our eyes can see.

Seafoods should be eaten with respect, they gave up their life against their will just for us humans to eat. I understand some people don't like some seafoods, especially when they're not used to it. Anyway there's no harm trying, we never know you might like it.


I still try to only eat things that look good. Depends how hungry i am. I also try to eat things that smell good. There is a tofu dish/snack here called Chou Dofu which translates to Stinky Tofu, it stinks. Haha. I tried it.... Once

I love Tofu but I've not tried the Stinky Tofu, we don't have that kind of snack here. I read in Wikipedia it seems that food has a really strong smell. 😅
"From a distance, the odor of stinky tofu is said to resemble that of rotten garbage or smelly feet.[3] Some people have compared it to the taste of blue cheese,[4] while others have compared it to rotten meat. It is said that the more it smells, the better its flavor"

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