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RE: 200 Million Investors May Have Lost Everything In Largest Ponzi Scheme In China's History

in #china6 years ago

@zer0hedge...Football score headlines capture more eye balls than talking about gov. flagrant abuse of people's rights.NSA's admitted "Ooops!" we're so sorry we washed that info from our computers even though we promised the court we wouldn't. Who would care about that??John Corzine starting a hedge fund after he collapsed a 100 year old financial company? What's that got to do with me???Football scores are vital to my life, not that other meaningless crap.And the money is never lost - merely transferred, out of China and into Australia / San Fran / Vancouver. Methinks with this going on, some of them housing speculators might actually have to sell to cover the losses out of their frozen bank accounts.Also at the end it looks like the court was skeptical enough they wanted regular reporting on who was being affected and what it was being used for, e.g. the court was in CYA mode while agreeing to permit it.My bet is when they push on the people submitting the request on the behalf of the government even a little, they'll either go 5th amendment or collapse like a house of cards.
The document shows something fucky was going on to the point the judge of a rubber-stamp court was asking questions about why.thank you for sharing with us...


NASA admitted that!! I didn't know that. Tnx for sharing.

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