The charm of Chinese cheongsam 中国旗袍的魅力

in #china8 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends, before I introduce the cheongsam on China, Today, I still want to introduce cheongsam, China's cheongsam is too beautiful, Today I would like to introduce the cheongsam Association, My friend is a member of the cheongsam association,I also participated in the cheongsam association of outdoor sports, A kind of enchanting feeling。
亲爱的steemit的朋友们,之前我有为大家介绍关于中国的旗袍,今天我依然想为大家介绍旗袍,中国的旗袍太美丽了,今天要介绍的是旗袍协会,我的朋友是旗袍协会的成员,我今天也参加了旗袍协会的户外运动,我被他们的魅力所吸引,有种妖娆的感觉, 是不是很像电影 ,金陵十三钗几位演员呢 :)

Poyang Lake prairie guzheng performance

Feeling suddenly back to the ancient mood

Do you like Chinese cheongsam? looks like a wedding dress :)


你们姐妹是 七仙女 :)

wow, great post!

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