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RE: Importance of Money Basics for Children

in #children6 years ago

so logical and useful topic
relationships with money are extremely important in the modern world, and studying it is not less important than any other issues and sciences (if not to say - much more important).
it's a big question if all knowledges the school gives will be be used in the future life, but money surrounds us every day.
I often ask myself why ou school programme is made in such a strange way: it doesn't include many important subjects, instead it consists of so much unnecessary information.
are you satisfied with quality of education given in your country?


Thank you very much my dear for bringing your views out here. Our schools are only focusing on the standard traditional subjects which have been going since decades. You are so very right, it's high time they need to revamp the curriculum's and bring in some subjects which would help children deal day to day situations of life.
Well in our country there is a range when it comes to education but a good quality education here means very heavy fees which all may not be able to afford. Education has become a big time business, a play group for one and a half year kid will charge fees nothing less than 2k to 3k $ yearly, which is very heavy compared to the average earning capacity of our country. But again India is at extremes, there are super rich and then there is one set who is starving for basics and the most impacted are the middle ones. It's all very sad situation.

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