Children's fault and adult mistakes

in #children5 years ago

In this article you will learn:
In what parents themselves are like children;
How adults instill guilt in a child
8 steps to make parents truly “adults”;
Components of the correct education of the child.

Human consciousness develops until the age of seven. Another five years is spent on taking a life position and choosing which scenario to live in. If a person does not develop his spiritual component, he lives all his life with the mind of a child. Have you seen how small children behave? Now look at us adults. Have you noticed significant differences? About seven and a half billion people live in the world, and only a small part of them are adults.

Children cannot raise children
The child is very observant and sees literally everything to the smallest detail in his small space. He learns to live, on the basis of his beliefs, how to form. Parents are a vivid example and confirmation for the child "as it should be." Here it is just right to recall the verse "What is good and what is bad."

Parenting, we do not take into account the main thing: children perceive the world literally and react to everything that happens with their childish directness. We are angry with the child, thus trying to protect him from further failures, and the child perceives criticism as not accepting his existence in this world. We show attention to the child with our teachings, and the child considers this a rebuke to him. We teach children to survive in this world, thereby forming complexes and a sense of inferiority in them. Unfortunately, we do not take care of our upbringing and do not ask ourselves the right questions about raising a child. In fact, how can a child teach a child’s life? How can another person, even a small one, give something that you yourself do not have?

How parents instill guilt
Guilt is a depressing emotion behind which resentment stands. Gradually, under the yoke of grievances that the child constantly experiences, which does not meet the expectations of the parents, a destructive emotion develops - guilt. “It’s my fault”, “It is because of me”, “It would be better if I weren’t” - often sounds in the head of a small person. As a result of guilt, an inferiority complex is formed and low self-esteem develops.

How do parents, without realizing it, form a disabled person in their child?

The child is a curious creature, which in the process of its development, is looking for answers to many exciting questions. Finding no answers, he searches without stopping and faces a wave of indignation on the part of the closest people - parents. Instead of approval and help, he receives a portion of the negative messages that can alternate with the use of physical force for education. Gradually, the desire to be individual disappears, and the little man becomes like everything in his environment: with a whole set of templates.

Why, having lived a sufficient number of years, a person does not realize his potential? Why he doubts and is afraid of everything? Initially, when drawing situations in our heads, we tune in to failure, which means that we interfere with ourselves becoming what we dreamed of. We think that this is not our business, not our person, not our life.

The reason for this is that we are subconsciously afraid of failure. We are afraid to experience deep disappointment and guilt in the future. All this makes us helpless and weak beings. We attract people, circumstances to our sorrow, and then we complain that everything is hopelessly bad. Not surprisingly, running away from ourselves, we find ourselves additional adventures and often with a sad end.

Why do we never ask ourselves the questions: “Why is this happening in my life?”, “Why am I going about my negative beliefs?” “Why don't I want to change my reality?” If we knew that there was only one by the power of thought, with the help of positive thinking, right thinking, making appropriate decisions and actions, we are able to change our life overnight. Did you know that you are a child of God? So why do we kill Him in ourselves every day? Yes, in childhood, we gained a lot, but is this a reason to become softer and despair? Is there any reason to blame yourself for what is happening? It's time to start a life. No one will ever do this for us.

The reasons lie in the parents
The reasons for the dissatisfaction, which is laid and formed in the child, in a misunderstanding of the world of a small person and inability to truly love him.

A child is a child of God and he needs divine love. Therefore, the task of parents is to develop this feeling in themselves and give it to the child. To educate means to nourish with love, to help live with love, creating your own and the world of the child on the basis of kindness, joy, mutual understanding and respect. Nobody taught us like that. We are used to living the mind, and we need to learn how to live the heart.

It is important to start with yourself as an adult:
Ask yourself the question: “How do I live?” And “Am I happy?” As often as possible, return to these questions and look for answers.
What can you change in your life right now? List all possible options.
Determine what can hinder you on the path to happiness, and what will help you will give confidence.
Imagine your life in a year, five, ten years in the smallest details with and without positive changes.
Get started. Get started. Get started. Change your thinking and worldview. Seek positive in everything and give thanks. Read, study, communicate. Do everything that helps you overcome obstacles in the way of your present.
Start practicing happiness. Share everything that brings you joy with others. Develop a positive worldview. Give the world a piece of yourself.
Meditate. Develop God in yourself through spiritual practices.
Learn to love and show love for all living things.
When you, as parents, understand that everything begins with your work on yourself, then miracles will begin to happen in the lives of your children.

Proper education
Let's talk about the right parenting

Your child is not yours at all. It is designed to help you learn to love and show this love for everyone, including a child.
Recognize in your child a personality just like you. Gently, carefully lead his hand, maintain his desire for knowledge and do not interfere with development.
Help the child know himself, do not impose your beliefs, especially negative ones.
Keep track of your thoughts, words, actions and relationships in a pair. Remember, baby is a sponge that absorbs everything from you.
Instill a sense of responsibility for the child, accustom to independence and encourage to work.
More often be together: talk, read, walk. Develop a sense of beauty in each of you.
Be an example to your child in his actions towards all living things.
Cultivate in your child respect for yourself, for you and other people.
The most important thing is the equality of relations, behind which is the adoption of the other as oneself.

Raising ourselves, we change the world around us and allow ourselves to live a real life.

Be happy.

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