Foxboy's Sandbox

in #children6 years ago (edited)

The weather has been lovely, so Foxboy has been often seen in his sandbox lately. He loves it in there! If he's feeling creative, he'll ask for some water to pour in there to make the sand more mold-able. In that mode, he'll dig tunnels, build castles, or pack other sculptures into place.

foxboy sand.jpg

Foxboy's sandbox (image mine)

Other times, he'll just kind of sit there and gaze out at the world. In that mood, he'll sometimes bury his feet first so he can feel the coolness as he chills. It seems like a very calming experience for him, and it fills my heart to see him just relaxing with his toes in the sand.

Home Movies clip of Brendan in his sandbox

This clip from Home Movies hit me the first time I saw it (well before Foxboy was born). There's a kind of zen that comes with sitting in a sandbox.... maybe I will build one for myself


I want to be a kid again, and do all the things I could without getting into trouble.

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