Tips for Creating a Comfortable Study Routine for Kids

in #children2 years ago

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Creating a comfortable study routine for children.

There are times when a sense of reluctance and boredom in learning haunts children and the learning process becomes hampered. This can be caused by several factors, such as an inappropriate learning style, an unsupportive environment, or learning that is not under their interests and talents.

Therefore, parents have an important role to play in assisting and motivating children, especially children who are entering elementary school (SD) so that their little one's enthusiasm for learning can continue to grow and the learning process runs more effectively. In a way, the success of children can not be separated from the support of parents who always guide and assist during the learning process.

To maintain children's motivation and enthusiasm for learning, here are four smart tips to increase children's enthusiasm for learning by building healthy routines, as quoted from the official broadcast of your School, Monday, January 24, 2022.

- Determine the right learning agenda

The first step to building consistent study habits is to determine the right study time. Plan the child's daily agenda with portions that are by the abilities of the child and parents. Before determining the learning agenda, find the right time for your little one so that the learning process can run more effectively.

- Learning doesn't need to be too long

Effective learning can be done within one to two hours per day which includes repeating material, doing homework (homework), or reading material that will be discussed the next day at school. Provide fun learning methods.

Not all children enjoy the same learning methods. Therefore, parents need to know which learning method is most suitable for their little one so that learning activities at home are more fun.

Many learning methods can be tried to find out which method is most suitable for children, such as discussions, experiments, demonstrations, lectures, debates, concept maps, online learning, to blended learning.

Blended learning is a relatively new learning method, namely by combining face-to-face learning strategies and distance or online learning.

- Provide adequate and quality rest time

Not only adults, but children also need adequate and quality rest time. However, parents should remember that their little one has already spent a lot of time and energy on learning.

Lack of rest can make children lose concentration and even experience health problems. So, rest is very important in the process of child growth and development, not least when studying. With enough rest, your little one will be excited to carry out their activities, including learning.

- Give appreciation for achieving learning targets

Give the child appreciation in the form of praise or gifts every time he succeeds through the learning process according to the learning objectives. This appreciation is a form of appreciation for the efforts that have been put in by the child in learning.

If your child feels appreciated for their efforts, of course, they will be more enthusiastic about learning. That way, children will be motivated to give the best results.

As an additional tip, give gifts that can support the child's learning process such as books, educational games, to art supplies such as painting paints, crayons, or colored pencils, to support children's creativity.

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