Children At Heart Part II, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #children6 years ago


Children take things with a pinch of salt, only the adults take it extra miles. You will see two kids fighting, and their parents would come out, shout at each other, and even keep malice with each other. Yet, you will see the kids coming together to play once again. That is until one of the parents sees them playing together again and try to separate them. We take life too seriously. We should be gentle at heart, just like the little children.

Children value friendship even more than some of the adults. They meet someone and get along with them that minute, and from that day or moment, they refer to such person as their friend.


Adults are a little bit careful about making friends, about falling in love and the like. But children, on the other hand, go all in, with the whole of their heart. We taught the little children to fear. We sometimes fail to allow them to be the children that they are, by forcing too many rules on them, especially bitterness, when an argument arises.

Like I was saying, they value friendship a little bit more. While growing up, before moving into our house, we had a neighbour who stayed at the back of our apartment. I am friends with their son. I can’t remember all the details now but they have been coming faintly as I write this post.

I remember going to their house to play with him and his two sisters. Just two years ago, I reconnected with one of my friend’s sister and she came visiting. She got home and told her mum that she met me. With excitement (according to her), the mother leaped and started praying for me.

She said the mother also told her a story of what I did, which honestly I cannot remember, even as I am typing this. The mother spoke about how my friend hasn’t paid for his exam then, and I ran to my dad, disturbed him till he paid for my friend’s exam fee. That is what children do, that is what children are all about​ until we try to change them into what they were not.


Be a child at heart. Don’t take life too seriously, you cannot get out of it alive. Forgive easily. Reach out. Be accessible. Be fun. Be social. Be lively. Be kind and most importantly, be alive.

There was a man who lived, who never laughed or played, he never sang, he never even smiled or prayed, and one day, when he died, his insurance was denied, for they said he never really lived, so they claimed he never really died.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Haha kids! fantastic words
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

Still on children matter! Lol

The best way to change our world is to allow the children their free will, we will amazed with what they will do. We should stop impacting them with negative thoughts and ideas, we should never allow our pains to get to them.
Let's allow them the liberty to discover life on their own. I'm sure they won't disappoint.

Adults are the one spoiling the world, we are the one suspecting others without any reason, we use our experience to affect the way we relate with others, children will never act like that.

If we are not ready to change to them, don't let us change them to us.

Thanks once more @olawalium

Another lovely view. Thanks a lot bro. Appreciate it. Being a child at heart would have saved us a lot of the problem we find ourselves in this world. Love is enough to solve all ills.
Thanks once again.

Very true...thank you for this.

You have excellent gift of the word, hopefully we grew only physically and not so much in the interior, but I always remember this phrase:

If you take your childhood with you, you will never grow old

Children are simply adorable. Can't wait to have mine. Hahahahah
@communitycoin celebrate with me. Today is my birthday.

a child is slow to anger, he shares everything regardless of who he is with, he does not hold a grudge, he is happy at all times, regardless of the circumstances, he enjoys every moment that offers the adventurous life of knowing everything new and never taking for granted. beaten until he achieves what he wants

You have spoken with so much wisdom.You are observant must say.I have three children and I love them.I have observed all you have said in them.We should be like children to get the best out of life.Good one

Such great moments you've captured! The greatest thing we can do in life is teach children to make it a better place.

Yes children are so wonderful and only the adults take things extra miles. Even when their parents keep malice, they are the ones to Settle matters cos as the children that cause the fight already play together, they should make people and learn from the children acts

We really should all be children at heart, their purity knows no bounds

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