How to combat child malnutrition in India?

Malnutrition amongst children is a pressing issue in India as it is in other countries. Based on a variety of factors such as socio-economic conditions, healthcare infrastructure and geographical locations, each nation facing this challenge of malnutrition. India is majorly dealing with the prevalence of undernutrition.

India ranks as the second largest producer of food grains. Still, many families from low economic backgrounds in India are unable to afford nutritious meals regularly. During the lockdown period, the situation has even aggravated. It shows the necessity for investments in healthcare programmes and also to bridge the gaps in the food distribution system. A multi-faceted approach involving multiple stakeholders such as the government, NGOs, nutritionists, policymakers, corporates and individuals is necessary to better understand the root cause of malnutrition.


Let’s dive into the list of measures to combat malnutrition in children.

• Ensure maternal nutrition
To address this issue of malnutrition in children, it is necessary to start with the health of mothers. Many pregnant women in India are not having a healthy meal and they are aneamic. Due to this, the children they give birth to may not survive or maybe undernourished and suffer life-long health issues. The Body Mass Index (BMI or the ratio of weight-for-height) of such children will be below the norm. Therefore, ensuring the health of mothers, before, during and after pregnancy is necessary to set a path towards building a healthy future. So maternal health plays a crucial role in the overall development of a child.

• Conduct nutrition awareness programmes
The issue of malnutrition is influenced by various social, economic and cultural factors. So, conducting nutrition awareness programmes can help to combat it by educating parents, individuals, communities and policymakers about the importance of child nutrition and thus empower them to make informed decisions about child’s health care.


• Effective Implementation of programmes for addressing malnutrition
The Government of India has introduced various schemes such as the Mid-Day Meal Programme (now, PM POSHAN Abhiyaan), Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), Scheme for Adolescent Girls, Anganwadi Service Scheme for the well-being of children. However, the effective implementation of these programmes depends on transparency, community participation and proper tracking of the improvement in the nutritional status of children.

• Fortification
Fortification is a method to tackle nutritional deficiencies such as iron, vitamin A and other minerals. The process of fortification involves adding micronutrients to rice, wheat flour, maize flour, oil, salt and other widely-consumed products. Thus, it artificially increases the nutritional value of food. So providing fortified food grains can improve the nutritional status of children.

• Support NGOs for children through donation
NGOs can have a huge impact on eradicating malnutrition in India. There are numerous NGOs that work for the welfare of children. Many NGOs implement the Government of India’s Mid-Day Meal Programme to eradicate classroom hunger in schools. Some conduct fundraising campaigns for nutritional programmes and make it more participatory at all levels. Many children in government and government-aided schools are from financially limited backgrounds, making it difficult for them to access nutritious meals regularly. Mid-day meal (MDM) helps to address the nutritional gap and contributes to reduce malnutrition in children. The promise of a healthy meal regularly acts as an incentive for children to attend the school which in turn raises the attendance, retention and enrolment in schools.


Addressing malnutrition in children is a collective responsibility of society because it plays a vital role in the overall development of a country. If children are not getting adequate nutrition, it is a violation of their rights to food.

Donate to charities that are dedicated to work for the welfare of children and ensure their sustainable development. Through coordinated efforts, India can achieve remarkable feats in addressing this complex issue of child malnutrition.

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