Toys on My Bucket List? Of course! Next up: Movies I've Missed!

in #childhood5 years ago

No cape, but for $2.88 + tax,

who cares? The Pterodactyl was already part of my dino collection, and thinking of falconers, these two just looked like a good fit to me. :) #NeverTooOld for toys! (Sorry, grandkids, these are mine mine mine.) Goodwill has been a great source of toys for this grandma who never outgrew being a kid.

Thor came with his cape!

My beloved Clydesdale

was 88 cents at Goodwill, but he's hollow plastic - not Bryer horse quality, but hey, he's a CLYDESDALE! This vintage Bryer stallion sold (not to me) for $75 online:

I'm happy with my 88-center.

Next recapture (or item to add to my Bucket List)

is for me to buy the movies and start watching them even though nobody will watch them with me. The one person who would lives on the other side of the planet - @readingdanvers. I'd mail her a Wonder Woman doll and other action figures, but she said shipping, tariffs, and all that would make it not feasible.


is awesome. Check out her latest movie and comic book reviews! E.g.

Spider-Man Far From Home Character Posters are here

Of course I have Spiderman too!

And, at last, an actual Bryer horse--something I never owned as a child.

Who said childhood ended at age 10 or 12?

I wasn't listening. (And yes, sometimes, I do buy new!)


Yay for never growing up! I was never into toys very much, but I had many treasures that I picked up here and there. And I still do it. I get in trouble when I come home from a goat job with some old rusty metal thing that I discovered under a huge pile of blackberries. I'm not supposed to bring home "garbage," but I can't help it. And rocks. Lots and lots of rocks.

OMG you really are my soul mate!! I didn't have a ludicrous number of toys in my childhood, but we had rocks, and to this day, you can leave me waiting in a parking lot for an hour as long as the lame landscaping includes local rocks. Minnesota's are full of more kinds of granite that I ever saw in one place, and you can buy a bag of 'em at Menards. Iowa landscaping rock includes horned coral, sponges, and sedimentary rocks that started out as mud-on-the-run and petrified in place, and you'd think I would have a more scientific term for this. This sense of motion, frantic, suddenly frozen. Sorry. Suffice to say, a box of rocks for Christmas would never have disappointed me. Your rusty scraps sound like art! I'm ever amazed at public sculptures (often put up at taxpayer expense) that look like rust heaps someone wielded into a pile. Omaha's entrance to the state of Nebraska includes some of the scariest, ugliest rusty sculptures I've ever seen. Bridge Sculptures Baffle Drivers: Man Says Artwork Caused His Crash - "It looks like someone just went into the junkyard, grabbed some scrap metal, slapped it all together and called it art"

Hahahaha! There's a picture somewhere of me as a toddler having gone for a walk around the block with my parents. Both my hands are stuffed full of rocks. I never grew out of it. Every time we moved, my dad would give me THE LOOK. Boxes of rocks and boxes of books. At least he never had to move the rusty metal, and I'm fairly certain that my collection never caused an accident. Maybe a mild case of tetanus.

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Boxes of rocks and boxes of books.

"At least he never had to move the rusty metal"
(Is there any such thing as a "mild" case of tetanus...?)
You're awesome!!!

Hahahaha! Thanks! You're awesome too. I think we must be soul mates!

Posted using Partiko Android

🏆 Hi @carolkean! You have received 0.1 SBD reward for this post from the following subscribers: @carolkean
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Uh... how did I end up tipping myself??

I still don't grasp how @tipu works!!!

But I have a plastic Clydesdale.

And Thor, Spiderman, and Captain America.


@readingdanvers on Twitter -- add an underscore between Reading and Danvers:

You're too funny @carolkean. Upvoted.
I was never into action figures though, my daddy was a mechanic, had his own
Shop and junk yard. I got car parts and hood ornaments as my spaceships
And stuff.

OMG lucky you!!! A junkyard!! Car parts and hood ornaments! I would have loved that. Seriously. When my sister's husband built and painted/papered/decorated a little playhouse for their daughter, I was horrified. The best playhouse starts with a "found" place - ideally, an old shed, or a corner in a barn - and the child fills it with "found" objects. Old bedding, old furniture. Or home-made-from-scratch objects. But to have a parent design and build it just defeats the purpose.
I grew up loving the smell and sound of diesel engines and V-8s, but Dad said "girls don't have the feel of the wheel" and kept us as far as possible from his toys. Somehow the kitchen just wasn't as exciting...

And all my older Brothers were REQUIRED to come work in the shop when they got old enough, to learn "mechanicin'", but because I had started piano
Lessons by that time, and I was GOOD and it, it came naturally to me
Mama stood up to him and I didn't have to go work. But I've very smart,
I learn by asking and watching, and I absorbed more than I realized
About cars and engines, at least those prior to the advent of computers.
I can still have an almost intuitive sense of what might be happening
With an engine.

I'd love to have your piano playing AND your engine intuition!
And a mama who stands up to the domineering dad - what a gift that is!
You have such a gold mine of stories here. I hope we get to see more of them in freewrites, not just in the comments box. :)

:( My experience with the Freewrite has left a bad taste in my mouth.
If I'm not writing something according to someone else's prompt
I get chastised for using the #freewrite tag.
I HAVE written several anecdotal stories from my past and my life,
But because I didn't sit down and set a timer, I felt it didn't count
As a free write. I don't bother even looking up the prompts now.
They seem silly. I've read some interesting, quality tales that
have come from some of them, but my stories from my past
Can rarely be forced into a box to fit a prompt

I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience with Freewrite and hope you misunderstood or misunderstood being "chastised" because it doesn't sound like @mariannewest or anyone else I've met @freewritehouse. I'm a cheat - always keep going after the timer - and we all find ourselves straying from the prompt at some time. Then again, if your own stories don't fit a prompt, that's fine. If five minues isn't enough, that's ok. Most people look at the prompt as an exercise in writing, not as a command, not a directive to write and polish a complete story based on the prompt. In any case, you have a lot of great stories to tell, and I hope you keep writing them. :)

Wow. That is a pretty negative statement. I believe that you always have been supported when you have participated in a freewrite. It is cool that it is not for you but for the record, we are not forcing anyone to do anything. And if you feel it is not a freewrite if you didn’t set a timer, that is too bad but certainly not something we enforce. Again, totally get that it is not for you.

Posted using Partiko iOS

@mariannewest, I meant no criticism of you, but it was an
accurate Statement from my point of view.
How could I write about my life events (as @carolkean suggested)
by Setting a timer and working from a prompt that you or anyone
else Has set forth?
I tried, I really did, I checked in to see if anything, any
Prompt seemed to fit something that I wanted to write about
But it never worked.
That format seems to me to be trying to force creativity based on
Someone else' ideas.
And when I used the "#freewrite" tag as encouraged by several,
not understanding at the time that I was meant to come join
The Fraternity, and follow The Rules, I was using it to describe
Something I had just written, freely written.
One of your members criticized me for using the tag too much.
So I quit.

No worries. But to be honest, your statement felt very much like a criticism of the Freewrite and the community. I know that Sharon was trying to tell you about the community and how we are doing things. You say that you felt chastised - we all have a right to our feelings.
Again, nobody is forcing you to do anything and you have brought up your frustration and that you don't want to write to a prompt - that is fine.
When people are inviting you, it is because they have found a supportive community and want to share that with you.
If the community is not for you, that is fine. We all have different likes and dislikes.
And even though I thought that we have always been nice to you - at least I think I have been - it is sad for me to see that you are still carrying a bitter taste.
Again, that is your feeling and I understand it as such. You have a right to your feelings. I expressed how I felt and I am glad that you told me that you are not criticizing the Freewrite and the community.
I think any comment and/or suggestion by any of the Freewriters made to you came from a place of good intention. Wishing you all the best in your Steem journey and your writing.

Thank you so much!

Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!

Thank you!!
(Now trying to figure out how to see how much the upvote is...) :)

You're at the top of the list. Your upvote is obviously worth more than mine is. :) And I had to power up to get mine up to 0.02 - LOL - Thanks again!

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