Childhood (I miss childhood)

in #childhood6 years ago (edited)

Hey .. How are you my dear Steemians? Do not you miss childhood?

Between the childhood of the generations of the 1990s and the present there is certainly a noticeable difference. It is also natural, given that the world is in constant evolution. Today's children are evolving, they are in tune with technology, but not the essence of childhood, which is game, dream, freedom, lack of care, things that predispose more to creativity and the formation of autonomous thinking.

Childhood is the most beautiful time of life, it's the time when you have no care and you can play all the time. Childhood is the time when everything is possible and if you have a rich imagination you can become whatever you want. All of us when we were young we thought we were princesses in a castle, knights, superheroes or musketeers. We all thought we were like characters our favorite books or cartoons. With a pair of mothers' shoes we thought we were the most beautiful ladies and with a bat and a mature we thought we were the bravest horseback knights on charmed horses.
Before the technology was developed, the children interacted with each other and invented a lot of funny games, so the free time became very exciting, full of energy.


How beautiful it was for the guys when they walked in front of the block and played football and thought they are the best footballers or girls when they met playing with their dolls and believing they are the best mothers.


The games are beautiful for two reasons: playing a game you can not play on your own and you have to play it with friends and the second thing would be that you have fun instead of watching TV, to watch the tablets, in handsets, on the computer all day.

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It would be good for children to enjoy childhood games without technology, to use these games, the games will cheer up the kids. This is my opinion about childhood games and their great importance for us and for future generations, as we keep our eyes on the technology, we are ruining our eyes and losing our days to the computer.



What do you think? Was childhood more beautiful and fun in the past or is now?

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A very beautiful period of life 🤗

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