Another Chick, Monty has a new Friend, sort of...

in #chickens7 years ago (edited)

Monty the Chihuahua and Penny the Cochin Chick are still best friends.

He is not so sure about the Ameracanua chicks mummie brought home. They are bigger and louder than his sweet Penny.


Monty is very protective of Penny, even when I bring out her sister, "farthing". He likes the other tiny chick, but he herds Penny under him as if to say, "I like you, other chick, as a concept...But you are not Penny"


Here he is mid lick of Penny, and Penny, quite honestly, is more interested in Monty. She and her sister get along with the 4 New Ameracauna chicks I picked up the other day, but she runs to Monty when I take them out.


And having Penny and Farthing out with one of the new Ameracauna chicks also makes Monty suspect of these new larger birds. I picked them up as my local farm and feed shop had them in and they are blue egg layers so I had to have them. They are a full size breed chicken, however, so the chicks are larger than my tiny Chochin Bantam chicks, which is what Penny and Farthing are. Also, Monty has known these two since they hatched. In fact he sniffed them when they broke through the shell, so he is really bonded.

As He chooses Penny over Farthing, he also will protect the pair of them as you see here. Off camera is the loud store bought Ameraucana chick,

Monty says, "Come, my little children, Papa will protect you."


The quail grow so rapidly that it is funny to think that Penny and Farthing were hatched at the same time as the quail.

But those little quail chicks now look like miniature versions of their full grown parents. You can see them here with the other chicks in their tub (They are in here whilst I clean out their aquarium home)


You can see here as well, how much larger the full size Ameracauna chicks are compared to Penny and Farthing. They are over a week old and the new chicks are two days old!

It is sort of sad to say that Gobbles 2 no longer cares about Monty, but he is so close with little Penny it might be fore the best. The quail are prone to take off whilst a chicken will follow you around. I have had many a chicken that followed me about like a little puppy in the past, so I have a feeling that is what Penny shall be with Monty, only time will tell.

And in commemoration of our two sweet little blue chicks, Penny and Farthing, I thought I'd make a new divider, which anyone is welcome to download and use as you like.


If you appreciate my work please feel free to upvote, resteem, and by all means comment.



That is so priceless. I love how Monty is SO enamoured of the chicks. Isn't life a pretty amazing place to be in the center of?!! Wonder what it will be like when they are big, and still following him around. Or vice versa. Classic.

I look forward to seeing blue eggs. That is oddly cool.
Also, I will probably use some of your dividers. Is there any way for you to put a little DDA signature in the bar? So you always are the known creator. Even though I would give hearty shout-outs when used. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in, for whatever it's worth at today;s market.
Thanks for making them available for us too. So nice to do. Have a nice night.

That is a fine idea, I will do it and upload it again.

Monty sure is getting busy these days! Does he show signs of worrying about the chicks when they're put away and he's in the house?

I adore your new divider. The styling reminds me a bit of the supporters on coat of arms (is that singular or can it be plural?):

OK - it's really a bit quick and I'm being kind of silly but I like it and you can click to enlarge.

OH my goodness! Hurrah! Well done you! I am going to make a wallpaper design one day for Toad Hall with a toad in and the various animals anthropomorphized. This made me smile so.

You satiate all my cute needs on this website. Chicks check. Dogs check. Cats check.✅✅✅ cuteness check.

I've got a cuteness abundance so I have to spread it around to all of you :)

I cant take it, he's such a sweetheart! I wonder what's going through his head, "deez little aliens are mine to protec" lol

I think it's more like "Puppies! I have MY Puppies again" he had one litter of puppies with our Italian Greyhound and he loved those puppies so. We were going to keep one for ourselves to have with the Monty and Sophie but we had our sailboat at the time and would sail for weeks at a time and the two dogs on the boat were enough. Looking back I wish we had kept one. My MIL has one and she is adorable and so do one of our closest friends.

oh my goodness! do you have pictures! what in the world would a chihuahua and Italian greyhound mix look like! I bet they were deadly cute....

We do. Well the largest puppy my MIL has and she is blue (grey) and is the size of our IG but looks like a CHI and the tiniest our friends took and he is the size of monty but looked like a lil IG ! They are both so old now.

How sweet!

Please please please draw Monty and the chicks...

I shall do. Maybe I'll make a divider of them as well.

Gosh they are so adorable and your divider you made is sooooo cute!! Thank you so much for sharing!

No problem, I'm glad you like it. I made a quail one as well, I suppose I should do a post and make a few more, dividers for everyone!

I definitely wanna see it! :)

Your dog is hysterical. It is like he is trying to give them a little perch!

I know. I have some video I will share, but I didn't get this part on video but it was really like he was uncertain of the new larger chicks and sort of herded his girls to the side.

The chicks will keep him busy and help him stay 'young' now that sophia has passed.

I hope so. I have thought of getting he and puss a pet bunny, they could take turns licking and licking it. :)

Great job, Monty!

It's cool to see the different types of chicks all together.

The ameracaunas have an almost 'quail' colouring.

They do! Sweet babies...

wow they are looking so cute together <3

Thanks they really are funny to watch.

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