True Heartbreak...and the Regrets that follow

in #chickens7 years ago

This is an Eastern view of our New Hampshire skyline (with some geese Photo shopped in).

One minute they are alive and all the possibilities stretch out enjoyably.
Now they are gone, just like that.
We didn't even have time to name them as I couldn't tell them apart yet. We called them 1, 2 & 3.
This is perhaps number 1, having been moved out of the house incubator, leaving my nest to make one of her own.

and, let's call her chick 2, just two days ago,

and here are 1, 2, and 3 settled into the chicken house, still chirping away,

waiting until they are big enough to join Lee,

who had a rough life as her sisters were senselessly killed by some stray hunting dogs. These chickens will soon be the understory of a new perennial flower garden (once we finish up the veggie garden and have time for it).

I think what happened is that a loose floor board in the nesting box was removed by some animal who then got into the coop and ate all but one head, some feathers, a foot, and some inner parts. Too graphic? I will not be taking pictures of these chicks now.

We had moved the chicks out to the chicken house and locked Lee out of it since she had used this loose floorboard as an escape route. We knew it had to be nailed down, but like so many things on our 2,000+ project list of things to do never got done.
Oh, the priorities. Who can know that that list and its priorities would have such consequences?

You can tell these are my pet chickens. Although we use the eggs, mostly we enjoy having them following us around the yard and the many stories they contribute to our retirement story, filling our empty nest.
So now we pray daily for the repose of so many, including Chicks 1, 2 & 3 and Lee's sisters, Brightly and Victoria.
It has been a year of death as our longtime companion, Cali, is hopefully playfully joined with our chicks.

I just heard a lot of noise outside and ran out and saw a very small fox wandering around the edge of the property. She circled back and forth but had nothing in her mouth. Hopefully Lee is sitting safely in her nesting spot in a bunch of thyme but we will see later. If I disturb her she will be agitated and get up.

More chicks next year?
I think we will go with guinea fowl next time.

My husband just surreptitiously went close enough to see that Lee is safely laying her daily egg. Whew! Guess who I will spend my day watching over...But she is in God's hands so I can leave it to Him. He may be gathering a flock of His own choice animals.


Oh I am so sorry to hear this news this morning. Death is terribly hard when we are so attached to our pets. I love all of mine dearly. I am glad Lee is alright and know you will watch over her as is God.

Thank You. I know you understand. Tears coming now...

How are you doing today, I know yesterday was difficult for you🐓

Wow! That is so thoughtful.

We worked on the chicken coop yesterday cleaning out and fixing the floors to the nesting box. That was a very sad and difficult job but Lee came in after we had finished and scratched around, gave us her approval.
They are now joined with the 2 chickens we lost during the winter due to stray hunting dogs.

I keep getting ready to go out side to check on the chicks and then remember, oh, they are not there anymore. After 6 weeks of their chirping in the house and then watching over them when they moved outside, I miss them a lot.
Brave Lee is once again abandoned and I feel so much sympathy for her.
Our internet service has been very spotty this week but we have agreed we will find some hatchling guinea fowl to work the land next time. They won't be so much like pets but they should do what we had originally intended when we started chickens and work the property but not wreak the garden.
Again, thank you for caring.

This has been a very bad week for our chickens. (and me too) Today I heard lonely Lee screaming, a different noise than she usually makes, so I ran outside and saw a big white stray dog who looked at me and then ran into the woods. I yelled and waved my arms and ran down to make sure it was chased off.
Lee ran from that woodsy part of the clearing right past me and into the woods behind the house...she ran. It looked like she had some missing feathers but she was running. I followed her and she disappeared somewhere into the woods.
I went back to look at where the dog was and there was a trail of feathers, even some large feathers... a lot of feathers but no blood.
After checking many times and leaving her some sunflower seeds she finally emerged. She let me pick her up and seemed to have all her feathers but I am done with this free ranging thing. My heart is sore. I took her over to the chicken house which is now cleaned out and the floor secured down. She did manage to get up onto the roosting bar, but she is just sitting there, recovering still, no doubt. Her eyes are not so bright as usual.

I am looking into guinea fowl. They may not be like pets but they keep the bugs and ticks down and protect their home fiercely and noisily. Now I just have to find a supplier of keets in our area.

I do so appreciate your concern. Our internet has been mostly down for the last week or I would have replied sooner.

No problem, was just letting you know👌How is Lee today? Hope she has recovered from that trauma. My chickens are mad at me, it has been so rainy and stormy they have not been out in the yard in a couple of days. They have been in their enclosed area, hopefully today they can come out and play🐓

She is still on the roosting bar. I still see the treats I left for her. I am so grateful that she lived through it

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