Chibera Character Story

in #chibera6 years ago (edited)


I'm excited to present my character's story for the @Chibera contest which you can check here:


MMORPG games are one of my biggest passions, so the possibility to have one that works with Steem is super exciting! Don't you think? I'm not a great writer but just having the opportunity to share these ideas I have in my head is awesome!

My character's name for this story is Raixxen, which is a name I commonly use in this kind of games! I thought about it as a Human that shows up in Bethalor (Human City) trying to create a bond between Humans and Dark Elves for reasons you can find out in the story.

Of course, all names and places are made up by me! I hope you enjoy it!

Raixxen's Journey

I just woke up in dark room full of nothing but empty mana tubes all perfectly put together against the wall... except for one that was actually attached to me, connected on both sides of my back. I remembered I had heard that some people need to consume mana to live, but at this levels? I was not sure but I could not just unplug it from my body.

I felt really tired and my eyes hurt, as if I had been sleeping for a very long time.

I walked to the door, it was locked, of course. I didn't know where I was and the last thing I remembered was being ambushed by a big group of Dwarfs while scouting some territories near the mountains with my guild. My guild! I screamed. Where are th...

They are all dead - a scary dark voice interrupted me. It came from behind me, the door was open and a tall Dark Elf was staring at me. She said:

We managed to save only you, there was no other choice. Now go back to bed, you need to rest a bit more, we'll talk in the morning... - and she locked the door again.

Rest? How was I supposed to rest? She had locked me in again! Plus I didn't even know where I was, I had just found out that my whole guild was murdered by a bunch of stupid Dwarfs and now I depended on this thing to live! On top of that, I kept thinking about that damn did I not detect it? That forest was tricky but something did not fit...

Anyway, I wasn't able to rest at all but unfortunately, I had no other choice but to stay there.

Next morning, creepy elf showed up again. Come, she said. I followed her without giving it a second thought, I just wanted to get out of there and find out what the hell was going on. Sun was shining and I could barely keep my eyes open, so I had to ask her for how long was I unconscious, even though I was scared about what the reply could be. 2 months, she replied.

2 months! I could not believe it, I had so many questions but at that moment I decided to wait and see where she was taking me, so I only limited to asking her name. Neahra, she replied.

We walked a few minutes, it was a very unknown place for me, but it was clearly a Dark Elves village or something. No one was surprised or angry to see me there though. I felt weird.

We stopped at a huge fountain where five knight looking elves were waiting for us.

These are Jheun, Thurk, Mahara, Xahra and Meikhor, said Neahra. Thurk looked familiar...

I hope it was worth saving you, human... said Meikhor looking at me with anger.

I was confused. My father always told me that Dark Elves hated humans, but I hadn't really thought about that until that moment so I asked.. Why exactly did you save me?

Xahra stepped up and said: See that mana crystal deposit over there? That's the only deposit we have to supply every elven village in these territories, and it is running out. We have about 5 more months of supply left. We know that the biggest mana crystal deposit, and the only one nearby, is in Bethalor, a human city...but of course we can't just go there, that's why we need you. Our people is in danger, if this deposit runs out we are all doomed, we have no choice... Can you help us?

Well, I've been with humans my entire life and I know how much they despise Dark Elves. Although I was never given a good reason for it, I guess we just hate each other because of something that happened in the past that we don't even know about, but that's the way it is. So many wars and battles just because of a past we don't know about...

Anyway, I was meant to create some sort of "bonds" between humans and dark elves and change hundreds of years of hate. Seemed like an imposible task. But these people saved my life though, they wasted a lot of Mana to keep me alive even though they have a supply problem...that's crazy. While I was thinking about this, I remembered where I had seen Thurk. My father had him in prison but he escaped and killed a friend of mine on the way out because he tried to stop him. I wanted to kill him right there but since they saved my life, I held myself. Maybe that's the reason why they saved me, who knows.

I agreed to help them with one condition. They had to protect me if things would go wrong. They were not very convinced, but they had no choice but to trust me.

I arrived in Bethalor 3 days ago. I was immediately put in prison. Why? The mana tube in my back. Humans don't know how to do that, only Elves. How was I supposed to know?

Yet they had bigger problems. The city is under constant attack by guess who...Dwarfs! So everything is out of control. This may not be a problem for me at all because if I manage to escape this prison and do something to stop the attacks, people will have to listen to me about the Dark Elves problem. And I could also get revenge on Dwarfs for the ambush! That's it!

I will need to go search for weapons. Neahra refused to give me weapons before coming here because she did not trust me completely. However, she told me about a secret abandoned Elves camp that caught fire a few days ago close to the Burdhian river which is a few miles away from Bethalor. Elves had to leave the place quickly, so there must be weapons around. Hopefully no one has found it yet. Once I get out of here I think I will start my journey there and see what I can find...

Thanks very much for reading!


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

I was immediatly put in prison.
It should be immediately instead of immediatly.

Fantastic Story Newenx! It is very interesting how you have the races warring but also needing to ally!

Seems that the dark elves could trade military aide for access to mana trade!

Very creative!

Thanks a lot mate! Yeah I thought about that actually, but since dark elves do not trust that much in the human they would have not agreed because it may lead them to an ambush! :P I should have write that too tho! hehe

I love so many fresh possibilities for a game when we are only given two paragraphs to go on!

Great work :) Can't wait to see what you do with a music contest :0

Hello @newenx, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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