Chess problem 60 / Schachaufgabe 60

in #chess6 years ago (edited)


Recently I played some online blitz chess on the lichess server again. Nothing serious, just for fun. Actually playing chess in 'automatic mode' without thinking too hard, is one of my means of relaxation. Even if most of the time these very fast games are full of mistakes they can be rather exciting and enjoyable, like for example the one I present you today.
I had the white pieces, and finally, in the position below I got a rather strong attack.
Now it's your task to find out how I could convert my advantage into a victory! :)

By the way I would be interested to know your opinion: do you like these positions which arise in my real chess games (and which are most of the time somewhat easier to solve) or do you prefer my self composed, artificial positions where I try to make it as difficult as possible to find the solution, and which are often created to illustrate typical chess motives?


In letzter Zeit spielte ich wieder einige Online-Blitzschachpartien auf dem lichess-Server. Nichts Ernstes - nur zum Spaß. Auf diese Art und Weise Schach im 'Automatik-Modus' zu spielen, ohne allzuviel zu grübeln, ist für mich ein bewährtes Mittel, mich zu entspannen. Obwohl solche Partien mit sehr kurzer Bedenkzeit meist mit Fehlern gespickt sind, können sie - wie auch das heutige Beispiel zeigt - sehr spannend sein und vor allem Spaß bereiten.
Ich hatte mit Weiß bereits einen gefährlichen Angriff initiiert ...
... den ihr nun zu Ende führen sollt! :)

Übrigens würde mich eure Meinung interessieren: Mögt ihr solche Stellungen aus meinen tatsächlich gespielten Partien (die oft etwas einfacher zu lösen sind) oder bevorzugt ihr meine selbst komponierten, künstlichen Schachaufgaben, die ich so schwierig wie möglich zu gestalten suche, und welche häufig dazu dienen, typische Schachmotive zu veranschaulichen?

FEN: 1r2r1k1/1p1nq1pp/p4p2/5RN1/2p3QP/6P1/PP4B1/7K w - - 0 1

White to move:
Weiß am Zug:

  1. Bd5+ Kh8 (if Kf8 then 2. Nxh7 mate) 2. Nf7+ Kg8 3. Ne5+ Kh8 4. Ng6+! hxg6
  2. Rh5+ gxh5 6. Qh5 mate.
    and if 3...Kf8 4. Nxd7 Qxd7 5. Rxf6+ winning

I like both of your puzzles: from your games and your created ones. The more difficult, the better I'd say.

That's great, you also found the side solution after 3. ... Kf8!
Congrats, hereby I declare you as winner of this round! :)

indeed difficult it can be a challenge

Congrats mate :)

congratulations on your victory, friend.
from the position of all remaining troops, you are a chess player with high minds

I'm late :( ... Congrats to @iceblue 👏👏.

Both of your puzzles are very interesting, but I prefer your artificial positions. Anyway I enjoy a lot trying to solve your puzzles :)

Ich finde Schach wirklich super, bin aber eher ein just for fun Spieler....
Deine Schachrätsel könnte ich bestenfalls durch Zufall und Glück lösen 🤪

Wow the solution just took only 6 draws! Congratz @iceblue!


Direct Bishop to box 5 d, if King goes to box 8 f, point Knight to box 7h @jaki01

No, the king won't go to f8, but to h8 ... :)

Your posts encourage me
To learn complete chess
I know the rules to some extent, but quite primitive and beginner
Not professionally
I wish I had enough time

1.Qg4xc4 - Kg8-h8
2.Hg5-f7 - Kh8-g8
3.Hf7-h5 - Kg8-f8
4.Qc4-g8 chek matt

  1. Qxc4+ Kh8
  2. Nf7+ Kg8
  3. Nh6++ Kh8 and white hasn't made any progress.

Check the correct solution above! :)

so much copy and paste in this Chess-Game, unbelievable... it's not my game but poker is one of my favourite. Chess is a good Basic for Poker ^^

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