Chess problem 52, and the "null-move heuristic". / Schachaufgabe 52 und die "Null-Zug-Suche".steemCreated with Sketch.

in #chess7 years ago (edited)


Hi chess lovers, the problem of today is a chess study designed to exploit a typical weakness of modern chess software which very often relies on a programming idea called "null-move heuristic", a method to increase the speed of the "alpha-beta pruning" algorithm.

The null-move heuristic is based on the idea to cut a variation in the search tree (and evaluate it as positive) if a position is reached where the opponent could even move twice in a row without reaching a satisfying position. The assumption here is that an additional move is always better than no move (a "null move") at all. Unfortunaltely for our 'null movers' there are positions in which "zugzwang" plays a role, and where it would be better not to make a move instead to be forced to move. In these situations - like the one below - the null-move heuristic can be counterproductive.

White can win with accurate play here. Can you find the solution? And what does your preferred chess program think about the position? :)


Hallo Schachfans, beim heutigen Problem handelt es sich um eine Schachstudie, die extra dafür designed wurde, eine typische Schwäche moderner Schachsoftware auszunutzen, welche sich sehr häufig der Methode der so genannten "Null-Zug-Suche" bedienen, um die Geschwindigkeit des "Alpha-Beta-Suchalgorithmus" zu erhöhen.

Die Null-Zug-Suche basiert auf der Idee, eine Variante im Suchbaum zu 'prunen' (also abzuschneiden) und als positiv zu bewerten, wenn eine Position erreicht wird, in welcher der Gegner zweimal hintereinander ziehen könnte, ohne eine befriedigende Stellung zu erreichen. Das Program geht davon aus, dass ein zusätzlicher Zug immer besser ist als gar kein Zug (ein "Null-Zug"). Unglücklicherweise - aus Sicht der Schachprogramme - gibt es Situationen, in denen "Zugzwang" eine Rolle spielt, und wo es besser wäre, keinen Zug ausführen zu müssen als zum Ziehen gezwungen zu sein. In solchen Fällen - wie unten zu sehen - kann sich die "Null-Zug-Suche" kontraproduktiv auswirken.

Weiß kann bei genauem Spiel gewinnen. Könnt ihr die Lösung finden? Und was sagt euer bevorzugtes Schachprogramm zu dieser Stellung? :)

FEN: 2q5/8/6p1/B6p/7k/7P/R5PK/8 w - - 0 1

White to move: / Weiß am Zug:


Very very interesting position. The first move that comes to my mind is Bd2, but after Qc7+ I do not know what to do.

I have to leave: I will check tomorrow if any of you found the solution. :)

I think this position is easier than it looks like and more when you only have to check the king. What about Rc3 attaking the Queen? If black take on c2:

  1. Rc2 Qxc2
  2. Bd8+ g5
  3. Ba5 (Threatening checkmate on e1) Qf2
  4. Bc7 (Threatening checkmate on g3) Zugzwang!
    The Queen cannot move from the second row and has to defend the diagonal e1 - h4

Your solution looks good! (1....Rc2 first, Rc3 is an impossible move). If Black plays 1...Qb8+ (instead of Qxc2), then 2.Bc7 - Qb3 3. Bd8+g5 4. Rc4 - Qxc4 and 5. g3 mate. But I think you found the key ideas.

You are right, thanks :)

That was a very nice variation, too!

What after

  1. Rc2 Qxc2
  2. Bd8+ g5
  3. Ba5 Qe2 ?
  1. Rc2 Qxc2
  2. Bd8+ g5
  3. Ba5 Qe2

4.. Bc7 Qf2
5.. Bd6 zugzwang again

in addition: if Qf4 6.g3!+ then :-) Qxg3 7. Bxg3 check mate.

That's it, very well done! :)

(Sorry for late reply, but I was rather busy during the last hours.)

Great chess problem again, full of hidden quiet moves! :)

What am I missing here? After Qc7+, do g3 then and checkmate?!

  1. Bd2 Qc7+
  2. g3+ Qxg3+

Sorry my dear this is beyond my capabilities at least without enough caffeine it seems;) will later on take another look ;)
Nice work

Lets play chess together ! Will you ? or Anyone here ?

parnainan which makes the brain work fast.
thanks for sharing.

lucky u... 😬 I like playing tennis , but not proffesinal

Did you win your last tennis game? :)

yeah i did , it was friendly game , in the university :)
i also like chess , all of chess players usually are so clever and intelligent , cause i said.. lucky u 😄

I think chess or chessplayers are overestimated. One needs special knowledge to play good chess and good training but that is all. But isn't that the same with other things?

I think there is talent needed, as well, even if hard work is the most important factor ...

That is true :-)

I wish if I would be a good chess player like you. You are really impresive jaki. I will try my best.

Bishop d4 to threat with tower a4 or g3 for checkmate. All black can do now, is to make it worse.
Edit: Oops, sure it´s impossible - drunk me failed to wrote the correct Bishop d2. So the rest of the statement makes sense.

Bd4 is an impossible move! :)
Check the solution of @juanmi96 above.

Yeah, sorry. Bd2 is surely the correct one to make sense.

i generally not play chess on computer because it always win haha but i like to play with friends because it make our thinking strong and it also need patient too.

very nice !

i think its difficult white to win.

Right, but as you see above, @juanmi96 solved the problem already.

Chess is a game that sharpens the brain. everyone who plays it has a high IQ capability. even a person can be in the value of intelligence just by this game of chess.
Are you master chess @jaki01 ?

I am not a bad player, but Kasparov did offer me some resistance. :-)

Did you have the pleasure of playing with Kasparov?

Unfortunately, not ...
Already long time ago I decided not to become a professional chess player because it's very time consuming and also stressful (there is no guarantee of having a regular income when you are depending on your success in chess). I always noticed how depressed or angry professional players reacted when they didn't beat me in chess Opens - not to succeed in such tournaments can mean no money for their family this month ...
I wanted to play chess for fun and still be able to enjoy the game ...

You have a high confidence .. hehehe
Kasparov very crazy..
I never won against him at the master level.

Same here - above I made a little joke.

But who knows? He is getting older, let's challenge him, haha! :)

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