Chess problem 22 / Schachaufgabe 22steemCreated with Sketch.

in #chess7 years ago (edited)

My beloved chessboard made of rosewood. :)
Mein geliebtes Schachbrett aus Palisanderholz. :)


Hello chess fans, it's time to prepare a cup of coffee again, take a comfortable seat and and arrange the chess board! :-)

Sometimes in a chess game not the moves which are played in reality are the most interesting ones, but the variations which only take place in the thoughts of the chess players, without being ever executed on the board.
In one of my games during a chess open in Baden-Baden in southwestern Germany I could have played a certain move order to reach the position below as black. While calculating what would happen from this stance, I also saw the option to take the pawn at e4 with my knight. Fortunately after quite some minutes of deep thinking I got aware that this greedy pawn robbery would be way to dangerous, because white could punish it in a very convincing way. Therefore I decided not to go for this position at all, so that the variation which you have to examine today, never appeared on the board. The game itself continued in a rather unexciting way, but at least I was able to gain the victory in the end.

Lets assume though I had gone for the position below and had taken the pawn with
1. ... Nxe4. How could white have exploited that to win in a brilliant way?


Hallo Schachfreunde, es ist wieder Zeit, sich eine Tasse Kaffee einzugießen, bequem Platz zu nehmen und das Schachbrett aufzustellen. :-)

Manchmal sind in einer Schachpartie nicht die tatsächlich gespielten Züge am interessantesten, sondern die Varianten, die sich nur in der Gedankenwelt der Schachspieler abspielen, ohne je auf dem Brett ausgeführt zu werden.
In einer meiner Partien während eines Schachopens in Baden-Baden im Südwesten Deutschlands hätte ich durch eine bestimmte Zugfolge die unten abgebildete Position erreichen können. Während ich durchrechnete, wie es dann weitergehen würde, sah ich auch, dass ich den weißen Bauern auf e4 schlagen könnte. Glücklicherweise wurde mir nach mehreren Minuten konzentrierten Nachdenkens klar, dass dieser gierige Bauernraub viel zu gefährlich wäre, weil Weiß ihn auf eine sehr überzeugende Art und Weise widerlegen kann. Deshalb entschied ich mich dazu, diese Stellung zu vermeiden und etwas anderes zu spielen, so dass die Variante, die ihr heute berechnen sollt, nie auf dem Brett erschien. Das Spiel verlief stattdessen eher langweilig, aber wenigstens konnte ich am Ende den Sieg davontragen.

Angenommen, ich hätte die Stellung unten angestrebt und dann 1. ... Sxe4 gespielt. Wie hätte Weiß das ausnutzen und auf brilliante Art und Weise gewinnen können?

FEN: 2brr3/1p2qpkp/n2p1np1/p1p2P2/P1P1P3/2N4P/1P1QB1P1/3RNR1K b - - 1 20

How can white win, if black plays 1. ... Nxe4?
Wie kann Weiß gewinnen, wenn Schwarz 1. ... Sxe4 spielt?


1... Nxe4 2. Nxe4 Qxe4 (forced kinda) 3. f6+ Kh8 (Kg8 Qh6) 4. Qh6 Rg8 5. Rf4! Qe3 (any other move would lose to Qxh7! and Rh4 mate) 6. Nc2 winning the queen that cannot move because of same tactic Qxh7

Looks very good yet, but after 5. Rf4 Qxe2 6. Rh4 black can avoid the direct checkmate with 6. ... Qh5. Of course white will win after 7. Rxh5 gxh5, but there are still a few moves to do.
There is one move though which is even stronger than 5. Rf4 ...

Threatening Ng5 for mate? It's hard to visualize exactly but this is probably it!

Right, 5. Nf3 is even stronger than 5. Rf4, because that knight threatens to go to g5 with the intention of either Qxh7# or also Nxf7#.
The solution as a whole: 1. ... Nxe4 2. Nxe4 Qxe4 3. f6+ Kh8 4. Qh6 Rg8 5. Nf3 and white will win.
By the way even after 5. Nf3! black can still try a little trick/joke: 5. ... Bxh3!?. :-) White can't play now 6. Ng5 because of 6. ... Qxg2#. And after 6. gxh3 the Nf3 is pinned. Therefore after 5. ... Bxh3 white simply protects g2 with 6. Rf2 g5!? 7. Bd3!, and then black will lose a lot of material.

Good, that even after the tricky 5. ... Bxh3!? there is a calm, but strong answer which saves the white victory.

Thanks for the final solution and the excursion, @jaki01. Excuse me for my lazy knight answer and not finishing in the correct manner. But I was joking with @kobold-djawa in the time between.

Ach ... das Schachbrett ist am Steemit-Schaufenster. ^^
Das ist ein schönes Brett. Leider wurde es schon lange nicht mehr benutzt.
Ich kann nicht gut Schach spielen und es macht kein Spaß immer zu verlieren.
@jaki01 lässt mich nie gewinnen. ^

Lasse Dir von @jaki01 doch Schachaufgaben geben. Also ich würde das schamlos ausnutzen… und in einem Jahr machst du den Ortsverein fertig. So, wie der hier:

Very good chess quiz as usual my dear @jaki01. Unfortunately, I don't have time these days to sit down and focus on a chess riddle but I hope to come back to all of your previous chess articles one day. ;-)

All the best to you and good night my friend.

Wow, guys you are discussing chess problem? Well if I can discuss it with you, I will start with "How to play chess?" 😂

Apropos chess server: actually it would be great, if one day there will be the possibility to play chess on steemit. :)

Wiki shows you the rules at least.
As soon as you know them, and in case you are interested, just come to any chess server, for example, and lets practice. :)

Sure. But honestly, I just simply don't interest in any game. I don't understand. I'm kinda boring person maybe. That's why you won't find any of them on my gadgets. Not one. Chess, it's a serious game, I guess.. 😁

For the ones who love it, chess is a game, a sport(!), a science and even an art. :-)

No game is meant to be serious, @jumaidafajar. It is just for fun. Even chess is not serious. You can't combine game and serious at all. If it is serious, its no game anymore.

Chess is just a very much sophisticated game with 32 bits, moving in an area of 64 positions, having 6 different ways to move. Ah, and 3 extra moves. Two are allowed for the king but only one of them in the same game. And one possible different move can be done by any of the pawns, one time by every pawn in a game. Thats all! The setup of the game is quite simple but to win, always depends on the skills of the opposite player.

Hey @afrog, thank you for remind me that :). Yes indeed. Game means for fun. And my thank you for your 'basic chess class' as well :D. I think I know a little about chess now.

You are welcome @jumaidafajar. I'm still waiting for @jaki01 beginner lessons. My openings are still very poor. I think that would be great for a lot of interested people as well.

Ich weiss es, das ist doch klar, aber ich warte auf andere sonst wäre das Spielzug schnell beendet @jaki01

Diese Ausrede passt ja sogar irgendwie zu meinem Text, in dem es darum geht, dass viele Varianten zwar in den Gehirnen der Spieler ablaufen, aber nie auf dem Brett ausgeführt werden ... Du behältst deine Varianten eben auch für dich, was ja noch lange nicht heißen muss, dass es sie gar nicht gibt ... ;-)

völlig richtig mein Freund - das ist eine gute Begründung für mein mögliches Pokerface

Oh, vielen Dank, das ist sehr nett von dir! :-)

Sehr gerne. Ein bisschen Traffic kann nie Schaden :-)

Hi @jaki01, it's a really tricky one. But I think there's the solution, already.
You took the pawn, glutton. Take this:
Now, it would be very exciting to know, where your queen is escaping to…

Variation: 1. ... Nxe4 2. Nxe4 Qxe4 3. Bd3 Qe3 and now? :)

I need a whole variation ...

Lets see: 1. ... Nxe4 2. f6+ Nxf6 and black is OK.

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