Chess Classic: De Roszynski - Alekhine Paris 1913

in #chess7 years ago


This is a game from a collection I am going through at the moment, this game had a bit more of an impact on me than most of the others, also I have this game memorised (not the hard when it is this short).

The ending combination is very nice.


1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 d6

According to Alekhine this is no worse than the Hungarian (3.-Be7), but I am not sure how much stock one should have in his opinion, but it seems a little hard to refute this immediately.


This move by itself is sound, however combined with the plan in this game it is not a good idea, although it is tempting to play like this, perhaps development would be better (at least better than the next move, and the associated plan)

4...Bg4 5.Qb3 Qd7 6.Ng5

So this move is really burning some bridges.

6...Nh6 7.Bxf7 Nxf7 8.Nxf7+ Qxf7 9.Qxb7 Kd7 10.Qxa8

Black has sacrificed some material, and the white army is pretty much not very effective, but then it is important to act fast, the computer does not agree and prefers white, but the computer does not see a checkmate so it prefers material.

10...Qc4 11.f3 Bxf3

This move is in fact very important, it might look a little odd.

12.gxf3 Nd4 13.d3

Alekhine says this move loses immediately, but it might be hard to suggest improvements.

13...Qxd3 14.cxd4 Be7

This has a double threath mate on h4, and the queen.

15.Qxh8 Bh4# 0-1

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