Chess, A very nice knight sacrifice to open the opponents king

in #chess7 years ago


In this game I found a very nice sacrifice (Nc3+) it gave me a big advantage that then almost completely won the game, also I played a variation I have not really used before, but it worked out very nicely, I had just lost to this player by a terrible blunder from a slightly better position, so in this game I was determined to not make such bad moves.

1.f4 e5

A02 Bird Opening: From's Gambit

2.fxe5 d6 3.Nf3 Bg4 4.exd6 Nf6

This is almost exactly an Idea I got from a friend I talked with during a tournament, although Nf3 and Bg4 were not included in that position, the point is I give up another pawn for some development, but there is also more dangerous things happening in that variation.

5.dxc7 Qxc7 6.Nc3 Bd6 7.d3

[7.Nb5 Bg3+ 8.hxg3 Qxg3# So he should protect this rather than go Nb5.]

7...O-O 8.Be3

[8.Nb5 Bg3+ 9.hxg3 Qxg3+ 10.Kd2 Ne4+ 11.dxe4 Rd8+ Okay this looks terrible, white is forced to give up the queen and the king has to move out to the battlefield. 12.Kc3 Rxd1, the computer likes white after Rd8, since white does have some better resources, so it might not be so terrible.]


So I decided that Nb5 now is a threat so I eliminated that possibility.

9.Qd2 b5

a6 also allows this expansion which had a nice effect in the game.

10.O-O-O Nbd7 11.h3 Be6 12.Nd4 Bd5 13.Nxd5 Nxd5

Now the black army is ready to attack, and the white army is hardly developed.

14.Kb1 Be5 15.Nf3 Nc3+!

This is just an amazing move to find, it is a lot easier when white hasn't developed, if he had it probably wouldn't be any good, perhaps the computer finds a defense to this sacrifice, but against humans stuff like this is good.

16.bxc3 Bxc3 17.Qc1 Qa5 18.a3

This seems to be the best defense, but black has a lot of resources. Again the computer disagrees it likes Nd2 better as a defensive try, and it probably is much better.

18...b4 19.Ka2 Rab8 20.Nd4

Bad idea, black gets his invested material back, but worse white looses all his active pieces in this trade. While it might be really tough to give a better defensive try, but giving up all the active pieces is not a good idea [20.g3 bxa3 21.Bg2 Rb2+ 22.Ka1 Rxc2+ So it seems like white had a desperate situation here. 23.Kb1 Rxc1+ 24.Rxc1 Rb8+ 25.Kc2 Rb2+ 26.Kd1 Qa4+ 27.Rc2 Qxc2#]

20...Bxd4 21.Bxd4 Qd5+ 22.Kb1

This move even gives black the option of just adding more fuel to the fire.

22...bxa3+ 23.Bb2 Rxb2+

White resigns. White can either sac his queen or be mated the next move.



I played chess during my college days!
Do you play online chess @iobates?

This game is in fact played on, so yes.
If you want I am happy to play sometime.

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