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RE: Chemtrails Day 3 & 4 - Living under the blanket.

in #chemtrails6 years ago

Love the the video and the photos that you make of the sky and clouds👌 But
Hm... As I started storm chasing I learned so much about the weather and I still got a lot to learn. About chemtrails... Do you have any knowledge about sever weather,
storms and clouds or are you just a conspiracy theorist?


Hi there and thanks for the input. I guess I am "just a conspiracy theorist", but I very much doubt this is natural weather. Ive looked into the history of the military and "Operation Cumulus" and then how they sold the tech over to the USA to use in Vietnam. Would be interested to hear your take on all this.

Yes chemtrails are old school, the tech that they use back then is now obsolete. I know a lot of chemtrails... I was also a believer... but now more I learn about the weather more this theory fall apart. I have some good friend how spend their entire life studii the weather. they can tell you story that will blow your mind...
p.s.: I was a believer, but now I have more knowledge about that... and let me tell you this... chamtrail are nothing to comper, what is happining now ( wath tech thay use now )... but I will follow you for tou amazing photos of the clouds ✌️ Good work🔥 Greeting from Graz, Austria
Oh here is a good cloud from last week 🤘319AF12F-0367-4617-9048-C27B86FB8694.jpeg

We need to speak more about this as I am very open-minded about the issue. I have a few theories but like you have found out yourself, consistency is a problem. This issue has boggled me for sometime so any new info would be great. I would like to know more about wav tech as this would make all the lines in the sky make more sense as it looks like the clouds are flowing around some kind of "wavelength".
Hey here is a video from the UK show "top-gear" and they never repeat this episode.

I saw that episode... I will give you a good tip....
Do you own research and learned about the weather... I see people talking about chemtrail ... but they dont have any knowledge... not fiziks no math. or astro... ( where do you get all the infos) they just repet what they saw on youtube.... or read about.
So let me ask you this, do you know (science part) how, why and where are clouds forming?
Something about hot and cold air 😋
If you know someone or have a friend , how is a long time storm chaser... they can scientifically explain ( "wavelength") you how and why is this happening✌️
If you will get some new jnfo ... let me know🤘

I'm a mechanic by trade, so just the basics in physics and a lot of common sense. The patterns of how these trails form when pumped out the back, are not from a jet engine, I am sure of this. I can see how certain levels carry different effects to emissions, but the trails seem to inconsistent and the fact that we always see a X in the sky is very suspicious. I've not delved into all the science, yet. However, I have some footage of a seminar where one of the scientist on the panel openly admitted to some form of weather modification, so there seems to be some truth in all this.
So what is your take on this, are you saying there is no such things as "chemtrails"?
Interesting chat btw

I love some intelligent chat about conspiracy theory 🤗 Because I'm a believer to 👽
No, I think that chemtrails are old tech. I am sure they did a lot of experiments in the past 🤭but nowadays... we have to good tech, for them to use this old tech. 🍀 The weather radars what people have at home 😱 Here in Austri, Slovenia we have a webisetes that tracks every aircraft and his path 😋 as storm hunters we depends on this pilots that gives us infos about the storms development 👌
If you ask a modern meteorologist. He can explain you the this that are happening in the sky (those X in the sky and and the clouds)
It's a pretty good explanation how and why this cloud (x) are forming. In last 3 years the tech for storm chasing and tornadoes has really advance
supercomputers which can create tornadoes and emutale invatamant (3d simulation-groundbreaking infos)
So, next year I have opportunity to travel in USA with the world's leading storm chaser (Marko Korosec). To film and photograph those amazing thunderstorm✌️So if you like this kind of staff, make sure you follow me and we must keep in touch 🤘🤘🤘why ? see this photo... Like just another day in the office😍

Followed indeed! You lucky boy, getting to chase storms. I really hope you get out there as that seems too good of an opportunity to pass up. Can't wait to see the photos and the one above is awesome. I'm gona take a look and investigate the things you have mentioned, starting with the X pattern as that is a big one for me. Thanks again buddy, always looking for answers and never the drama :)

I just got into strom chasing 🤗 I yes I m lucky, the guy that I m going with have over 15 years experience. But still shit can happen to the best of them. ( ) For shure I will post everything of what I find in the sky. 🍀 and the USA trip I will make a video every day what is happening 🤗 So I m working hard to get some extra money to buy new lens for that trip 👊 Yes 2019 will be my year of storms.

P.s.: If you know some FBI files that has been released about that please send me the link🤗

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