
It's hate speech apparently. i don't know, everytime I make an article about Isreal, whether it is their involvement with ISIS, or other possible corruption and suspicious behavior. I am labeled a bigot? I think its just a bunch of ex-military people who are mad about getting duped into fighting Israel's wars.

Of course, I am not entirely surprised a bunch of "ex-military" are so active on a new social media platform and are very hasty to silence any facts or theories about how Israel is bad for the USA and the ME region, even the chemtrail thing.

I mean, people who say "you're a bad person for thinking jews run everything" and then say" You're just a Soros shill!"

it doesn't make any sense! LOL

Will make for some hilarious screen caps though.

the shitbird is saying "the jews" as opposed to accepting individual jews (or groups of jews) can be corrupt. one of the main components of this tag is critical thinking.

I can accept "the zionists" as a conspiracy, even if I dont agree with with fully, but "the jews" as a whole makes me load my shotgun. I'm half jewish, and I think @openparadigm, the other mod is half-jewish too.

@openparadigm told him we would not be curating this shitbird's posts in informationwar. i told him to stay off the tag after that.

He wants to hate zionists? i dont give a ****. start the jew hate, tho,and I aint waiting around to see if mishlung go to the camps, too.

Was there anything about "Jews" in this post? I only saw information on geoengineering.

no, I told him to stay off the informationwar tag completely; in fact, if he pulls the tag from his post, I'll pull my flag

Censorship is a slippery slope.

he doesnt belong on the tag. period. I dont work with people that hate me. I especially dont work w/ people that go out of their way to provoke me: he posted twice after I told him what I would do.

he can pull the tag, and I pull the flag. I can be outvoted on this with SP, but my decsion remains the same

How Ironic that the informationwar community see's this as offensive content!

What could they try to be hiding? What is wrong with this content specifically?

Why don't a bunch of ex-military "Americans" want their fellow citizens to know their govt is poisoning them?


I just did a post about this censorship. Censorship will destroy steemit.

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