Let's Talk About The Weather

in #chemtrails7 years ago


Look at these man-made clouds. These are clouds with no water. So what we have here is summer like weather in winter.


You see my nectarine tree has buds ready to bloom. We are still in winter. These buds are coming too early. Sure we have sunshine, but our rain is not much.

So this is what you call weaponized weather or weather warfare on the people. This has to do with these clouds with no water which are really chemtrail clouds.

So this summer like weather in winter can bring on more drought like weather with little rainfall. The deep state has control of these chemtrails.

They are the ones who are in high places who care not for the people. They do care for their One World government.

What people on the east coast need to know that if California gets their summer like weather in winter means that there has to be a more severe weather someplace else.

You see you can not take the water away from one state and that water not pour out on another by way of rain or snow, right? It is part of the give and take.

So if the natural rain falls on California means that the east coast will have a more normal weather pattern.

So California's drought like weather has to do with the weather warfare on the people that has to do with these chemtrails that spray metal on the people, that take the moisture away from California and any other state that is going through drought right now and pouring the moister on the other states.

I am hoping that Trump with get these people in high places that are ordering these things that favor the One World government.

Well, one way to do that is get them for their pedogate activities. You see these people in high places that are ordering these things are of the satanic realm and their weak spot are these pedogate activities that they lust upon.

They lust upon these little children to sexually abuse, torture, then drink their blood full of adrenaline. It is this blood full of adrenaline that they get high off of.

Trump has done a lot to get these people that are into these pedogate activities. I am sure that more will come out and we have the military tribunals to take care of these pedogate type of people for they are a threat to the nation.

People like Hillary Clinton who's hero is Saul Alinsky. Well Saul Alinsky thinks highly of Lucifer. Well Lucifer was his name before he was thrown down. Now it is Satan. You see it all goes back to the satanic.

It was the Clinton Foundation that tried to take children from Haiti. What do you think they were going to do with these children? Remember that Bill and Hillary Clinton are connected to John Podesta and they are all into pedogate/pizzagate.

When it comes to the little ones, Jesus said, But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6.

This is why Jesus said, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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Thank you, David.
Images are mine taken with my trusty flip phone.


Very nice post thanks have share @david777111.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Excellent capture of the clouds ⛅️ @david77711-

I agree with all your points. California droughts, Hurricanes Harvey, Maria, and Irma and Jose and whatever else, chemtrails, pizzagate and all the satanic pedophilia crap that is rampant in our "ruling" class and are activity pursuing our destruction as a whole, the common man.

And it is us, the comman man and woman and child who would rather have everyone be happy in the world and have free food, medicine, water, shelter clothing, power,..everything to live a full life because we have had tech suppressed and our economies artificially destroyed by these evil scum. Because they would rather be the wealthiest person on the planet to control the people instead of live together. It will result in their eventual demise, and I think that's what they fear and know to come soon..

I'm with you @biffybirdcam! Thank you very much.

Hello friend @david777111 good photographs very nice clouds, thanks for sharing, Regards

Here in Morocco the weather are cold with much rain

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