I Met A Co-worker From My Old Job

in #chemtrails7 years ago (edited)

I took my mom to the bank and was in line with her. Then I notice a woman walking in, she was one of my old co-workers in the days when I used to work for the telephone company.

I introduced her to my mom and told my mom that this was one of the workers from my old work at the telephone company.

We talked of some of the workers that died since we last met. I found out that she retired back in 1998 and I told her I worked until the end of 2010 then I started my retirement in beginning of 2011.

I told her I still have my red car. We both laughed. She would have seen my 89 Nissan Sentra since I bought it from another co-worker at the last part of 1995.

In the line she wasn't sure what would happen with Trump as president. I asked if there was something that he did that worried her.

She wasn't sure if there was something that he did but she was worried about him.


I told her I just want to get rid of the deep state. Then I pointed up and asked her if she noticed the chemtrails. She told me, no.

I told her that in the chemtrails they spray aluminum into the air and that we breathe in this aluminum and when fluoride mixes with the aluminum it really creates the Alzheimer's disease.

I told her that conventionally grown food uses fluoride based pesticides. She looked at me and said that was terrible.

I told her when we look up into the skies and we don't see the chemtrails for a long long time then that means that the deep state has been taken out.

I mentioned that the deep state has a weakness. I told her that they are into the pedophile or what some call now days pedogate activities. I told her that they force sex on children, then drink their blood.

She said that people say a lot of things now days. I told her when they come up with bodies then you can not deny that.

She said, Wow, what news in the morning. I told her I can tell her more things, but maybe I'll end with that kind of conversation now.

I didn't tell her that, but with Trump they have put more sex traffickers in prison in one month than the whole 2014 year of Obama. I feel Obama is part of that cause of his connection to pizzagate.

It goes back to the Bible. The deep state are into child sacrifice, they are satanic. On one of those Hillary emails they mention sacrificing to Molech.

As it is written, And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. Leviticus 18:21.

Also Jesus said, But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6.

As we were getting closer to being served at the window I did get to tell her that I got to work for the telephone company for thirty-one years and that it was a really good job.

Then we said goodbyes cause it was time for Mom to get to the window.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine taken with my trusty flip phone.


friend @David good information regarding aluminum because I did not know that aluminum rose in the environment must be aware of this greetings

How nice it is to meet old friends, blessings

as always thanks for sharing your day to day and how wonderful it is to meet old and good friends

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