When You Incur The Wrath of Cheetah

in #cheetah7 years ago (edited)

I am inspired to write this post because of my observation of a fellow steemian, @dammylohar, who incurred the wrath of @cheetah and got banned. 

Who Is Cheetah?

Cheetah is a robot that automatically finds similar content. It was created a year ago by witness @anyx. For the past four (4) months that I've been in steemit, @cheetah has been very active in visiting authors who post content that is not originally theirs and do not do well to cite or give credit to such authors for their hard work. Now, that is tantamount to plagiarism, so I wouldn't be wrong if I refer to such people as plagiarists who are guilty of the ''sin'' of plagiarism. From what I read  in frequently asked questions, FAQ, about cheetah, the bot works very closely with @steemcleaners to discipline steemians who do not play by the rules of authorship, but would like to be rewarded for posting content that is not theirs. By content , I mean both text , images, videos.  Personally, I like cheetah. Many thanks to @anyx, for creating this bot.  

Note: For any content that is not originally yours, make sure to provide the link/source so that you will not be found guilty of plagiarism. Something else that I've learnt in PhD research  is that I could be found guilty of plagiarism, if I refer to a previous work authored by me (e.g Assessment of Some Indices of Oxidative Stress...Aburime et al., ) and do not give the credit to myself for my previous work. The catch here is this (at least in the academia), even when you are referencing your previous work, credit yourself. 

An Appeal To Cheetah

Actually, it was @dammylohar's appeal to @cheetah in steemit.chat that I saw which got me curious about what possibly happened. Cheetah is usually a very gentle cat that gives warning before striking.When you advise folks generally in steemit about certain misconduct, instead of paying heed to what you are saying, they chose to argue with you. Such folks don't usually end up well in steemit. The question now is, will @cheetah do something about this appeal? 

Some ''sins'' that cheetah cannot forgive


I used to tell folks here that steemit has zero tolerance to plagiarism. Sorry, steemit is not facebook, neither is it twiiter nor instagram. Be sincere with yourself, be yourself and not a copy of someone else. If you know that you cannot create content, I mean original content, then I'm afraid that you are in the wrong place. When you cite another author's work, maybe even copied and pasted it, that should be because you want to share your thoughts about the content and not to claim it as yours. 

Identity Theft

When a steemian steal's someone else's identity or impersonates, posing to be who he is not, he will certainly meet his waterloo before long in steemit. This is the main reason, I think it is advised that you add a photograph or two of yourself in ''introduceyourself '' post, better still a video of you, so that the community will know that you are who you claim to be. It is a kind of know your customer (KYC) procedure, I think. 

Call To Action

Cheetah is only a robot, but we are humans. Let's all join hands together to create a  steemit community free of  plagiarists and identity thieves. 

Image source 1,2,3

Has cheetah visited your blog page before? Feel free to share your views. I would be really glad to hear them. 

Please, reblog/resteem this post

Follow @maryfavour

Thanks for reading!


When you advise folks generally in steemit about certain misconduct, instead of paying heed to what you are saying, they chose to argue with you.

This is so true. Hopefully more people will learn from this.

Could you also add the "nigeria" tag to help other Nigerians find it? And you suppose dey use dis tag for all your posts sha, na Naija you be na!

Well done ma.

Yes, @onequality. Hopefully they'll learn from this. I have edited the post to tag Nigeria. It was not an oversight. I actually tagged Nigeria at first, but felt that it would seem like I'm being unpatriotic by exposing the ill of one of us. Thank you so much, brother.

Considering the influx of new folks from this side, and the growing popularity of the tag, it makes sense to at least give them the opportunity to have access to the very important info.

Well done

That's true. I understand. Thank you, worthy Ambassador!

Actually @cheetah can be quite terrible at identifying similar photos. That's largely because the technology is really still quite infantile when it comes to identifying images.

@cheetah is very clear that we should not automatically assume a comment about similar content is an absolute proof of plagiarism. Sometimes it just means he's found the person's blog etc.

One person I follow had cheetah point out a similar photo that wasn't similar at all.

She went through the appeals process. And cheetah changed the comment.

All in all I like cheetah and steemcleaners but people need to get better at double checking what cheetah is pointing to. Cause cheetah doesn't always use those cute cat eyes before posting.

As a newbie, with this useful information that I've read about cheetah, I hope to abide by all the rules of authorship so as not to fall a victim. Thank you, @maryfavour, for this wonderful piece. I am @redfishpillar, supporting redfish (Steemians with <500 SP/ 1 millon vests) become minnows faster. Steem blessings.

Kind regards,

I TOTALLY agree! There are WAY too many people who don't write original content and the sad thing is that it is so obvious!

Thanks dear, @jayne! You have stated the obvious. That is why @cheetah, @steemcleaners, you and I are there to check these intellectual property thieves. I appreciate your contribution.

plagiarism is bad enough on typical media sites, but here it's even worse because they're trying to cash in, really love cheetah

True, @alphacore. Very true. That action of the plagiarists trying to reap where they did not sow is one that really hurts. Glad that you love cheetah. I do too. In fact, I've enlisted @cheetah and @steemcleaners on my steemvoter list. Thanks for your comment and contribution. Keep the steem fire burning!

cheetah is not flagging properly. He is not reading posts before fagging. He is contributing to the censorship that is driving good people who love their mothers away from this platform.

Kudos to you for another impressive piece @maryfavour. If people got degrees for plagiarism on Steemit, I guess I will have gotten 5 doctorate degrees in plagiarism now. I was a regular "customer" of @cheetah's and I "enjoyed his patronage" on several of my articles on my old account. This continued until I got banned and that account was lost forever, despite several appeals that spanned over several months. I wrote about my experience a some days ago and this is a link to it.....https://steemit.com/life/@illuminatus/the-diary-of-a-steemian-illluminatus-comes-out

Thanks a million, @illuminatus!!! Funny you to state that ''If people got degrees for plagiarism on Steemit, I guess I will have gotten 5 doctorate degrees in plagiarism now'' . Lol! The message is very clear. I really appreciate the honestly with which you've shared your experience and only hope that others will learn from it. Cheers.

Please, permit me paste an excerpt from your diary on this comment section, so many will learn from it, if they will. ''I eventually got a comment from @steemcleaners where I was accused of plagiarism. I tried to defend myself and tried to stand up to @steemcleaners, with the claim that I wrote the work myself. That was the last straw that broke the camel's back. @steemcleaners gave me the precise reference for my work and I had nothing else to say. At that moment, @pfunk dived in and gave the command !cheetah ban and that was it.'- Illuminatus. Source: https://steemit.com/life/@illuminatus/the-diary-of-a-steemian-illluminatus-comes-out .

No problem, I shared it in the hopes that people will learn from it.

I had my fair share of cheetah on my post yesterday, i didn't know i had to add source if it, tho the post wasn't copy and paste, i added my own twist to it, didn't know cheetah will trail me... Thanks for this.

Oh dear, @sweetestglo-eu! So sorry about what @cheetah did to you. I experienced same when she visited and @steemcleaners too.Just like you, @cheetah visited me once, although the content (text) was mine, I didn't credit the source of my images and photographs. That taught me a lesson. I have stated time without number that steemit is a school. We are all here to lean and do so humbly. I really appreciate your contribution. A very warm welcome to steemit. Enjoy the ride!

It is sad when you tell people that what they are doing is wrong and yet they still continue to do it.

I'm honoured to have you visit my page once again. It's really sad, @dragonslayer109. I never even knew when @cheetah was visiting @dammylohar. There are some other people including Nigerians that I have been warning again spam, scams, plagiarism. You need to see the way they argue. One of them have been flagged terribly. I laugh at them when they behave foolishly. Thanks for your contribution.

Lol! @cheetah and @steemcleaners have both commented on my post. @steemcleaners was for a wrong tag and not adding photo source.

Thanks for speaking out @ogoowinner! For similar reasons @steemcleaners and @cheetah visited my post. I had to take correction immediately. Believe it or not, one of us even wrote a post asking, who is cheetah? I had to PM him to warn of the consequences of @cheetah frequently visiting his blog. Steem on, sister!

Hahahahaha! Naija get liver. Who did that sis?

No be small liver Naija people get ooo...na one of my bros. See the post, you go fear fear now.
https://steemit.com/steemit/@smilexyz03/who-id-cheetah . The day wey e write this post, I just read am pass. When Cheetah visit am again naim I come PM am say guy why you dey do this kain thing na?

Hello @maryfavour! Hope you having a great start of the weekend!
Well I'm lucky that till now I did not receive the visit of Cheetah on my posts, as you notice I only post original ones and if i use anything not for me, the source is clearly noted!
I just don't want my rep score to be affected and how i wish everyone was doing same!

Hello, @progressivechef! Glad that you are here. Yes, I am. Thanks for asking. Happy to hear that until now you've not received the visit of cheetah. Everything that you've stated about you is correct, because I visit your blog page and read from time to time to get something new about food and enjoy the bright and lovely photographs on your blog page. Keep playing safe and steem on!!!

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