THROWING GAS ON RACIAL FIRE? VA Police Confirmed Governor Terry McAuliffe LIED About Weapons Hidden Around Charlottesville By White Nationalists

in #charlottesville7 years ago

Why would the radical Democrat Governor of Virginia LIE about weapons being stashed around the city of Charlottesville prior to the march? Was he just doing his part as a prominent member of the Democrat Party to help create more racial division in America? Why did he lie about Virginia police officers being underprepared for the violence and chaos that took place, when police officers claim they were completely prepared? Was he trying to shine a negative light on the police force assigned to Charlottesville, as part of the Democrat Party’s ongoing plan to undermine the credibility of our law enforcement? Virginia police officers are speaking out to set the record straight, as they’re not about to remain silent while their governor makes up stories to boost his party’s race dividing, cop-hating narrative.

Will the mainstream media report about this?

Contradicting statements by Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Virginia State Police say they did not find caches of weapons stashed around Charlottesville in advance of last Saturday’s deadly white nationalist rally.


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