1 - Manifesto Anti- Kitsch

in #charlie777pt8 years ago (edited)

1 - Manifesto Anti- Kitsch

What is being Kitsch ??? !!!!

This mini-essay have a name that involves two deliberate or seemingly contradictory concepts.

If the qualities of Cult(ure) is a search towards the original and genuine knowledge, Kitsch is a false art, easy to understand, used for mere entertainment, empty pleasure and reproduction of existing standards.

The Kitsch appears as Kult(ure) accessible to all, with the emergence and rise of the middle class, mass production and the boring life of dead time generated by the reduction of working hours, now replaced by an extenuated working mass with small earnings and with no time for the involvement in real Culture

As such, Culture and Art become Kitsch when they are mass-produced, in order to adapt to the public and the market (this is not art its design).

Culture and Art as a mere reflection of the current status of society is exactly the legitimizing concept to be applied to the kitsch of Mass Kulture with their false aesthetic consciousness and pseudo social catharsis.

The Appropriation of Culture requires effort, seriousness and cutting with trends or practices established with the Status Quo Power who prefers the notion of the Kitsch industrial kulture providing pseudo-cultural market "products" designed to induce relaxation or abandonment of militancy against political stagnation and sclerosis of the system in power.

Football and current mega rock concerts or raves, are examples of this pseudo-cathartic process, in which a pseudo kulture and art is imposed as recreation and entertainment, ease of access and understanding, with fast and predictable effects and the commercial spirit of pseudo-modernity, whose only objective is to achieve a dissuasive effect of cultural and spiritual evolution.

Next Chapters : 

2 - Being and Having

3 - Kitsch and Politika 

4 - The "Kitsch -Man" 

5 - The Cult is Kitsch vs. Kitsch is Cult 

6-Culture, Kitsch and Power

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