❇️ VIDEO: Why I Respect My "Haters" on STEEMIT and Why You Want Them! 😡😳😵😂

in #charlesfuchs7 years ago (edited)

A Different Way of Dealing With Your "Haters"

Whatever you do in Life... regardless if you are successful or not, you are going to have "Haters". 😣☹

People will always have their opinions about you and on all the things that you do... so why pay attention to them? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏻

Sorry for the ending guys, don't get offended. 😅😂🤣

With that being said, go enjoy the day and dominate! 

YES, I UpVote Awesome Comments and ReSteems by the way 🎯



Keep on Motivating and Inspiring the people on STEEMIT 💕

Follow Yo Boy Here @STACKIN (2193+ "STACKERS" Strong) 👑

Feel Free to check me out on: Facebook (22,310+), Instagram (19,273+), Twitter (38,287+), and Snapchat (20,000+). 👨🏼‍💻


I just had to tweet and linkedin this :)

In Short Haters will encourage you to focus more on yourself and your work, But When someone wants to be something and they see you are at the top of that game. Then they hate themselves; because you're a reflection of what they wish to be. @stackin

Appreshhh, you are 100% right on that boss :)

There will always be perpetrators and victims. The border is not always easy to see. That's why it is difficult to say who is what is of both!⛈🙌✅ Steem on bro**

You some mad wisdom @homeartpictures 😬😎

haha thanks bro*****

Haters gonna hate, skaters gonna skate!

Ballers gonnna ball :)

True Story!

Great message. Haters are a sign your doing something right. If nobody is saying anything it means nobody is paying attention to you. If you have haters it means not only is someone paying attention but it means what your saying is actually having an effect on people as well.

Another thign about haters, I know some people are discouraged by them or even afraid to get started because of them. Anyone who h as time to hate on you has 0 going on in their own life. People who are doing big things and doing positive things don't have time to hate on others. If someone hates on you, your already above them because your doing something period and doing positive stuff.

Honestly even people who suck at what they are doing for example a really bad singer on youtube, I respect the hell out of them for having the balls to put themselves out there because 99% of people won't do that.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well and anything worth doing well is worth doing badly until you get good enough to do it well.

Fuck the haters. I'm out...

Mannnn, this is the best comment so far. I can't disagree with you on this one :)

hey buddy thanks, I took that last line from les brown, I'm sure I butchered the quote but that's the general sentiment. I remember when I first started making Youtube videos I was like shit my stuff sucks compared to a Tai Lopez or an Alex Becker or really shit anyone else lol but I'm not gonna get any better sitting on my ass focusing on how I'm not as good as them. I said screw it, started making content and while my video editing skills and what not is still lacking, the channel grew and I think people connect with me and enjoy my content and are willing to overlook the lack of video edting and production quality while I figure that stuff out. Thanks again for all the support buddy.

I literally read that line and I was thinking in my head, 'Ahh the guy listens to Les Brown..' xD I used to hammer his personal development a few months back like 6-10 hours a day haha! So I know a line when I see it :P Keep up the motivation brother.

WANTED: Haters, my old ones are starting to like me!

Preach it, my brother!

Kill them with so much value and success, they will eventually admire you 😬💖

"fuck you and have a nice day!"

I like that.


I started following you for some positive vibes so thanks for that @stackin .. someone told me once, "Haters gonna hate" and with that I no longer let them bother me.

I think it was Taylor Swift haha

"Shake it off. Shake it off"....lol

Old school Mariah 😂

upvoted your comment .. I like to think it was that robot in the cartoon haha!! Because to me haters are cartoons.. not real

Gotta love this!!! Its just that they just want to be you ;)

I hear that lol :)

@stackin Totally Agreed to this "Whatever you do in Life... regardless if you are successful or not, you are going to have "Haters"". We cannot make everyone happy in our life.

Found that along time ago, if you try to please everyone, you don't please anyone... especially yourself :)

I love me some haters! Bring it! :-)

I'll send some your way lol

hahahahh! :-)

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