in #charlesfuchs7 years ago

Whats up Steemians, earlier today I was browsing through a few articles and came upon a post by @cryptoctopus talking about the "Top Curators" on Steemit. 👨🏼‍💻

There were tons of familiar names that popped up on the list and it was based on Curation/Steem Power %. The data explains who are getting more bang for the buck on curation regardless of your Steem Power. 💰

To my surprised, I came up in the Top 15 on the list! Thanks @cryptoctopus for providing this info, such a boss... check it out below. 😎

There are lots of awesome Curators on Steemit but I rarely paid attention to these stats... so I went to SteemitWhales.com to check where I'm at overall stats since Steemit was Created. 

Dang I'm currently ranked #475 (another surprise) out of everyone! You can check out your numbers here: Steemitwhales.com

Start paying attention to the all "Top Curators" on Steemit as they know what good content is and lets try to follow their lead. 🎯

I just wanted to give out this information to all the Steemians out there and want to thank @cryptoctopus for supplying these awesome stats. 📝

Alright guys, hope this helps. I'm off celebrating Halloween in a few hours... I might even do a post about it later. 😜👺🦇🐙



wow, the first 2 people are top!

I appreciate you shared but I noticed that all the top Steemians like whales if any of them writes a post, almost all the co whale fellows or top ranking users start voting it and post goes to the trending and makes bunch of money. Now it's not that everytime they post a quality content, whatever they post they get recognition.

I created a post yesterday about Bitcoin, it's good blog post, it didn't get any exposure and no one even bothered to read it as it is a hot news that an Australian business made fortune trading Bitcoin and opened 5 new nutrition stores and buying a new home.

When a regular user like me creates a post, either bots visit to that post to promote them (which initially I didn't know I thought they are regular user) and these bots ask user to pay to get vote (is it fair? On name of minnows the peope who coded are making money) or a few users visit to post just to do formality to make a comment to reach their no. of comments (increase their counts of comments). By reading their comment anybody can tell they didn't even read the post. I'm saying this based on my and my friends experience.

Initially I was very excited about Steemit but now it seems trading is going on for buying votes, visit to anyone's profile and see the log, they are paying money to bots every single day to get recognition and above all to make money. I still have faith in Steemit just trying to sharing my thoughts about what's going on....

As a community I guess we're losing the core value behind Steemit which was to make a better Social media platform than Facebook, Google+ and other social media platform.

Now some people may not be agree with me but that's okay. But hey just for a moment think it honestly and go and check whatever I said you'll find it true, most probably you already know it.

What do you say about it?

Are you chatting and networking with other xtian steemians?

Are you chatting and networking with xtian steemians interested in bitcoin?

Are you posting your steemit articles on other social media, online church groups, etc?

Are you positioning yourself as the crypto-xtian on steemit?

How much exposure and visitors do you expect to get when you have 125 followers? i.e., what percentage of those 125 do you think even saw your post?

Steemit is like any social media....it takes time and effort and some creativity to become successful. Being an early investor or a rich late investor never hurt anything.

Sure the whales vote for each other. There's reasons for that. One can complain about it or get to work with a positive attitude and an eye for success (instead of a complain vs. sucess).

As far as the bots, as far as I can tell, one doesn't make much from paying for bot votes....but somebody clever put time and effort into those bots and THEY are making money.

You wrote a good article. Good on you. But that doesn't magically = success. More articles, more networking, more creativity, more connections, more visibility, more outreach.

Lots of folks get to steemit and get discouraged. I understand...it takes something to stick with it and to succeed. Not everbody has that something.


Agreed. Steemit isn't an overnight success story.

Yeah, that's correct. And I'm completely fine with that, no issues.

The only concern is all that false promotion which is going on other social media platformslike youtube https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=steem+it+make+money that is not right because that all is hype.

People get excited after watching those videos and reading FB posts and when they join Steemit they don't anything like that and gets discouraged. It might bring defame to Steemit. Anyways as a loyal member just trying to bring awareness.

I totally agree with you. I find STEEMIT is not the place for very serious content. It is not the place for recognition as an author, as the format is very touch and go. Whatever notice your article gets is gone within minutes, literally.

For me, I take it as it is. I get it. It seems the goal here is to make quick, "of the moment" statements, and move on, because your post will be impossible to find at a later time.

But, it's alright. Things are bound to change. The STEEM platform moves fast, ergo, its name. My suggestion to the developers is to modify the platform to include viewership credits, but it may require advertisers to do so. I see that many people have lots of upvotes, but almost no views. It means people and/or bots are upvoting based on the title, or mere existence of the post, and not even bothering to view/read the post itself. Then, there are quality, useful posts with almost no upvotes, some with lots of views, and some without. Surely, there needs to be more credit for quality of content.

This way we would get more credit as authors and curators, and our articles would have more monetary value.

I agreed with you:

I find STEEMIT is not the place for very serious content.

It seems like it is for flash news which popus for a while and then disappears and no one bothers to read anyone's old post (as they are not motivated to do that) because (as per rules) after 5-6 days if someone comments or votes on a old post they may not get any money for that then why would someone reads anyone's old post no matter how much time that the author invested to create that post and made good piece of content, isn't?

I wondered that Steemit is a place where author gets recognition for their hard work, huh thank you for everything.

I'm grateful to all of you.

Aha! I think what we're talking about is another version of a STEEMIT platform, where these types of adjustments will be implemented. I hope it happens.

Wowoww I found my name :) Will you be at @steemfest Mister Fuchs?

I’m such a newbie here that I was like maybe next time, I should of came to this one but my other business wouldn’t allow me... but I’m coming to the next one! 💖

You are much more than a newbie!!! 😝 would have loved to meet you in Lisbon

This list is taken from a regular post made by @abh12345. The people on the list are a cross section taken at random and then ranked. Check it out here:


Hi @stackin, Thanks for sharing this list. Congrats on making it to that mark. I'm surprised to see this list as some people are missing in it as per my view. Anyway, very good post and thanks for useful link as well.

Steem On!

good for you. good luck always. I always follow you. I like you.

Hiii dear @stackin, many many congratulation to you for coming in top listed.you really done a great job there, always hope for your best wishes, keep it up. And thanks for sharing these informations..

Its a cool website thanks for the info and link, will keep me amused for a while.

Hi Charles!
How are you?
Just for info... The list was made by Asher @abh12345 ... He's doing great posts about curation... And you are always in the list ;-)

Big hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

Indeed. I HAVE to give you props for this post! I had no idea how awesome some STEEMIANS are. I am both humbled and energized by this info. It makes me want to stay up all night posting.

I upvote and follow you now. Keep up the good work. Like you, I'm STEEMIN ON!

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