in #charlesfuchs7 years ago

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” ~ Les Brown.

What's up STACKERS! 

About a year ago, I was strolling through Amazon looking for things to buy and something interesting popped up on my "Recommended Book Section" that got my immediate attention. 😳

Could it of been the bright neon orange color, or maybe the funny title of the book that got me interested? It was probably been both. 😆

The title of the book was called "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k". As you guys may already know, I'm one of those book worms 🤓... so without hesitation, bought it instantly without looking at any reviews. Yes, I am a rebel like that. 😎 

This isn't going to be book review or anything like that (Non-Spoiler Alert), I highly recommend this 📘 to all my followers to take a look at it when they have the time, just put it on the "To-Do list".

So where am I getting at? Well, you see... Throughout my life, so many people tend to get the wrong perception of me when I post on Social Media. 

Many will say things like, "Charles, thanks for being so positive all the time... you "Inspire" and "Motivate" tons of people everyday". 💯

I'm not saying that those things are bad or what not, but when I do post Inspiring and motivating things... my main goal is to get people to take some damn "Action" and "Make Sh*t Happen" for themselves. 

You know what types of things that inspires me on "Social Media" such as Steemit? The guys/gals who are not bitchin' all the time why they can't make Steemit work. 🙇🏼‍♂️

I give mad respect to all those people who just keep putting content out there everday regardless of it's outcome based on upvotes and comments. 

They just keep crafting their skills and are becoming better everyday without the excuses... these are the types of people I highly respect. I can tell you right now, it's not easy to become successful on Steemit but over time... you can become great. 💁🏼‍♂️

How does this relate to the book? It somewhat does, most people are capable of doing great things in life but something prevents of them from going after it. Most people are so worried what other's may say or think about them if they do try and fail.

If people want growth and change, they need to have that "Not Giving A F*ck Attitude" and go chase there goals and dreams. So what if you failed, at least you tried and keep trying while the rest will spend all their lives criticizing others because they already convinced themselves they can't do it. I call these morons "Dream Stealers". 😂

This post is long enough, let me conclude this with some cool shots of the book 🤣

Hope you guys enjoy this "little rant" today and I highly recommend that you get the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k". Many will already judge a book by it's cover but this is a must read for all. 📚

If you really want positive change, it's really not about motivation or inspiration... it's mostly about doing what you think is important in your life and taking the action to follow through. In other words, "Just Freakin' Do It".

Have An Awesome Monday Steemians and "Keep On STACKIN!" 💞💰

For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs


This book changed my life!!.... and my job and ride clothes!!!!!

I post this every time I hear Mark Manson's name mentioned, I like a lot of his work, and he gives a great interview here, check it out:

"I give mad respect to all those people who just keep putting content out there everday regardless of it's outcome based on upvotes and comments. "

That's some real Gary Vee shit right there. Keep up the hustle brother.

Anyone that is a Mark and Gary Fan is my friend haha... Also Lewis Howes is a bad ass! Thanks for sharing the video with all my followers! Let's Go!

🍻id love to interview you on my Podcast🍻

Hmmm, maybe get a group of STEEMIANS together and do one huge podcast 😀

Mark Manson is the MAN, son! I've been following his blog for ages and no one writes as clearly and level-headed about complex interpersonal topics as he does. Haven't checked this book out but I think it's similar to one of his blog posts that BLEW up. Maybe it's how he got the idea for the book :)

~ Kevin

Great minds think alike lol... yeah, its a quick read and you can pick up on Amazon for a few bucks :)

Definitely putting this book on my list to read. Fear is what prevents a lot of things in life.

Totally agree, that’s the one thing prevents of us moving forward 😀

The knowledge in that book is very applicable to YouTube and Steemit. It's very difficult to start off, especially on steemit! Like you said, you just have to not give a fuck about the outcome and keep producing. The second you start to care about other people is when you fall off the path to success!

Misery loves company, and most people want you to fail with them!

You just busted out words of wisdom right there! 💪🏼🙌🏼🤣

I learned from you!

lol didn't think to see a book like this, but damn, it should be right! don't give a f*ck and go to your goal!

It’s a decent book... makes ya think a little bit 😀😅

Dude you need to start a book club :D but seriously though these are some good reads.

If your into small business going large I would recommend Behind the Cloud which is a book about salesforce and how it go to where it is today.

That be a great idea, In 2018... it's more like an Audio Book Club haha ... I'm going to have to get that book now! :)

dammit ... the things on my to-do-list is getting longer and longer the more post of you I am reading ... wondering what I´m doing wrong? hmm ... I guess I just not fast enough reading the recommended stuff from ... guess I gotta go for some audio books too LOL

You should see my list! HUGE! ... what's worse is my "Bucket List" LOL

LOL ... yeah, I can imagine :)

The motto of my life is "not to give eff," this book simply reinforced this concept and gave me the confidence to say it out loud. Very interesting reading.

That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Let’s go get it and make it happen 💪🏼🙌🏼😀

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