✴️ The Face I Make When Steemians Bust Out That "Follow Me And I'll Follow You" Comment... The Answer Will Always Be "No" 🤣😂

in #charlesfuchs7 years ago (edited)

I Don't Like Begging, Just Produce Great Content. ~ Charles Fuchs

For many of you Steemians, you probably get this on a daily bases... it's called the "Follow Me and I'll Follow You" Comment or even worse, "I upvoted you so upvote me" nonsense. 😳

My answer will always be a huge FAT "NO" or even worse the big old "FLAG" 🚩🤣

You see, if you want to be successful on Steemit... it's much easier to get followers and Upvotes by producing great content and building relationships with people other than begging for them. 

Many people who tend to do this "Begging" are usually lazy, gaming the system, or even worse... they brings no value to the community what so ever other than just pissing people off. 🙇🏻‍♀️

So why even do it? 🤷🏼‍♂️

I've been telling people for years, if you want people to like you; don't ever beg. This shows the lack of respect for yourself, how can people respect you if you don't even respect yourself?

So at the end of the day guys, don't use this method of marketing... it might work in the short run but eventually it will be very disastrous on your growth on Steemit.

P.S. Did you like my "MAD FACE"? 🤣 ... Just having a little fun with it today 😀

Have an Awesome Friday Stackers!


Haha... so true... I just made a post the other day about dudes who TELL you to follow!

What we got here... is whale-ure to communicate...

Dude, that's the picture of the year 🙌🏼😂

Great pics love it 😁👍✌️👌💞💞💞

Ba hahhahaaa love the Cool Hand Luke reference!

I'm having too much fun making these :^]

And rightfully so @overkillcoin!!

So funny @overkillcoin.

@boodles17 thank you sir, unfortunately there's way too much real life material to draw from :O

This is amazing! I can't help but say it in the Axl Rose voice and continue on into civil war.

Yo overkill that some sick skillz.

I need to resteem this picture!!

I just colourised it! Go check it :)

The original post is on my blog :D

follow me please?

..joking ahah , btw those are the people that came here just to make money.
Just ignore them or flag sometimes if they spam too much.
when i upvote you, i do it just cause you deserve, don't expect nothing back.

Good one haha ... you know o'm already following ya :)

I got my flag game on recently haha

LMFAOOO!!! That shit is HELLA ANNOYING!!! 🤣 It makes me not want to follow so it has the opposite effect!! hahaha

I've been flagging them, I couldn't handle it anymore, I'll calm down tommorrow 😂😂😂

See it all the time. Gets really annoying. It will probably get worse as more and more join.

That's the truth, I'll get flag action game going on lol

It's annoying, right? Those pesky follow for follow requests? I've tried to answer them for a short while with this GIF, you can have it and use it however you want:
However, I must add that the ones who are superficial enough to send these blunt follow for follow messages, usually do not really get the subtle point this gif makes. I'm still thinking of coming up with a GIF thats brings home the message a little more direct, a little more crisp, a little less 'gloves on' approach...

If you find a good one, send them my way 😂

I totally agree! That devalues the content.

Bwa hahhahaaa right on, you tell em! And PS I love your mad face, it has just the right hint of disgust in it too :) :) :) Steem On!!

Did you like it @lyndsaybowes? ... "Slight hint of disgust" hahaha

Yeah you know it!! Lulz!!!!

I agree with you. I'm getting so many just lately, it's insane.

Comments similar to these:

"Please upvote my blog because it will make me happy and I've been here such a long time (2 weeks... ok... 10 days) and I deserve your upvote..."

"You have such a lot and I have nothing, why should you have all that? It's not fair, is it..."


Work for it! Research, find great images, make good - or even great content and be patient - or don't, but don't beg.

Totally agree @michelle.gent ... it's so funny that I see so many people in life wanting something for nothing for being lazy instead of doing the work. I guess thats why most people fail and don't succeed.

You are one of my go to peeps on Steemit :)

Haha, word @stackin! Like grifters on the subway, Steemians panhandling for votes and follows just wreaks of laziness!

Nothing comes easy, you gotta teach 'em the hustle!

So funny how it works, if I see a person in need without begging, I'm 100% will support them... especially in Vegas when people won't leave you alone asking for money 3-4 times when you say you don't have any 😐

Same. I can't respect someone who doesn't have any self-respect. Begging and bullying for votes is just plain stupid.

please like me haha jk

It's always happened but it seems to be getting worse.
Maybe the longer you're here the more beggars appear In your posts.
I've never followed a single one of them I can't imagine why anybody would. Stack on dude.

It's getting way worse since I started but that Flag Button tend to make them never come back lol

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