in #charlesfuchs6 years ago (edited)

"Stop making excuses and just do it" ~ Charles Fuchs.


For over a month now, many of you probably have known (from my blogs) that I've been on a little "personal journey" trying to get more fit and a little bit healthier. 🏋🏼‍♀️

The "crypto hype" since November 2017 got me pretty lazy with my workouts and it got me eating like shit for months. 

I've gained over 15 LBS in like 2 months! Crazy! 🍩 🍔 🍟 🌮 🌭 🥡🤣

"So what is this picture about Charles? It looks just looks like wooden box". Well, many years ago I bought one of those "Infrared Saunas" that you see hear about online. 

Too be honest, I haven't used this thing in a while and totally forgot about owning one (just like the pool table that I haven't used in years). 🤷🏼‍♂️

Checkout my professional iPhone pics below haha: 

As you can tell from the photo above, it was pretty damn hot but the amazing thing is that it feels so good once you're in it. I probably lost about 3 LBS of water weight in just 45 minutes! 

There's a lot of controversy with "Infrared Saunas" online stating that it doesn't detox the body at all and it's just a gimmick. I'm just wondering if these people ever used one because most of them who write these articles are the most unhealthiest people you see in real life 🤣

People just like to criticize and give their opinions about anything in life. Lets not get into that now but all I can say this thing does work in my opinion.

I've been using it for years and all I know is that I feel fantastic right now. All my joints and muscles feels relaxed while I type this blog. 😴

Can this just be an placebo effect? Maybe, who knows? 

If you ever have the chance to use one at a local gym or even better yet, own one... give it a go at it. The benefits are tremendous in my book. This particular one that I have costs over $2000+ not including setup ($500).

That is a small price tag to pay to feel good everyday and to get a little healthier. I'm planning to upgrade this Lux Sauna in the near future, I want one of those big ass ones around $10,000!  😳

Maybe I'll just wait it out until Steem hits over $10 in the near future and buy a few of them JK lol

Have a Fun and A Healthy Weekend STACKERS! 💞

P.S. For those who's interested in following my "Content" and "Daily" Posts... you can just follow me @stackin to get my updates.


I want one lol. Def a good way to get rid of donut 🍩 toxins is to sweat them out. I def need it been binging on donuts lately. Got into the habit of eating them while watching the golden knights win ;). But surprisingly haven't been gaining much weight due to carb backloading ;)

I gained 10 lbs on my diet 😂

Lol, was it the donut diet

LOL how do you forget about owning a sauna??? Is it near or far infrared? Did you know there's a difference?

So I actually built an infrared sauna with my mom last December before travelling to Asia and I really miss it.

I've been on a health journey for like 10 years... Maybe I should write about it and share what I've learned because I found out some things I "thought" were healthy really weren't. Maybe it could benefit you or someone else. #TimeCollapsing

P.S. Speaking of time collapsing, I totally recommend that book. Have you read it yet?

I have no idea which one it is 😂. You built one of these before? Sheshhh, I’m not that skillful!

Time collapsing? Thanks for the recommendation! I haven’t read that one before but I’ll get it this week. Let me just put it in my amazon shopping cart right now! 😀

Haha yeahhhh I did (ok, MOSTLY my mom did it but since she's not here right now I'll be taking all the credit lol).

It's a good one! It'd go well with your Grant Cardone books. Lol btw, whenever I see one in your pictures, or your 10x poster, I think of this interview with "Can't Gardone"... have you seen it?


Sorry, my vote is weak sauce right now. I'm gonna take it to the gym so hopefully, in 72 hours it'll be a little more swole.

I haven't tried this and like you, if steem hits over $10 then I would buy me one too lol! It is expensive to healthy but more expensive when we get sick.

I can now see that the infrared lux sauna has alot of health benefits since it can removes excess water from our body system and makes us look healthier and smarter at the same time reducing our excess weight. I will do more personal research of mine to know if it has any side effect because I may need one in future to keep myself fit and healthy @stackin

I couldn’t of said it better myself 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

You are in sauna with Hat? 😱.. Its for sure extra hot .

Like a boss haha! If you the sauna is yours, you can do whatever you want :D

Even if its not yours u can do whatever you want. But other will look at you strange. 😁

Haha! Let them look lol!

That’s how I role at times 😅 😂

Nice 👍 ☺️

Fit and fab @stackin! Wow

3 LBS of water weight in just 45 minutes!

Saunas are very good for the health and will also help you relax. Good in reducing stress too. But $2500 is a lot. lol. For now, with the humidity here in the Philippines I will just stay inside my room without any aircon or electric fan. ;) ♥

You already have an outdoor sauna in the Philippines 😂🤣

Haha! That is funny but true especially in the lowlands. The heat is unbearable and drains energy. However, the effect is opposite because it makes you want to eat more instead haha!


I'm so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you use any kind of aroma therapy? if not you should look into it. you can find good quality oils online. Different scents help evoke different feelings.. Think of it like music. Different kinds evoke different feeling in us. <3

It's wonderful that you can build things that make you feel happy and bring you benefits, in your case losing a few pounds. Excellent, I congratulate you.

I invite you to visit my profile and give me your support .. Thank you.

It looks nice that sauna, as to relax and lose some pounds lol, it is ironic that people criticize things or articles that they do not dare to use only to generate lost or bad reviews to the company

You speak the truth 🤑

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